Cory Bates Profile picture
Freedom * Jiu Jitsu * #Bitcoin

Dec 18, 2022, 22 tweets

Wow, another amazing year in the books! 🔥

Here are my top 20 #Bitcoin moments for 2022.


⚡️#Bitcoin conference Miami,
@jackmallers announces vendor rollout plan, bringing lightning to thousands of vendors across America.

⚡️‘Bitcoin & The American Dream’ book sprint collab. Self publishes in record time.

⚡️Senators @CynthiaMLummis & @SenGillibrand submit bipartisan bill to protect #Bitcoin & privacy in America.

⚡️President @nayibbukele addresses the United Nations. “Greetings from the land of surf, coffee, freedom, & #Bitcoin ” 🇸🇻

⚡️The SEC’s @GaryGensler and CFTC’s @CFTCbehnam both agree that #Bitcoin is a commodity.

⚡️@tedcruz vows to make Texas the global leader in #Bitcoin mining & grid stability.

⚡️Central African Republic follows in El Salvador’s footsteps and becomes the second country to make #Bitcoin legal tender.🇨🇫

⚡️@LordFusitua announces Tonga’s #Bitcoin legal tender status will take effect early next year.

⚡️@Excellion announces Madeira’s plan to make #Bitcoin defacto legal tender.🇵🇹
@JeffBooth @plebmusic @BitcoinConfUK @FossGregfoss

⚡️Bitcoiners ascend on the Oslo Freedom Forum to discuss the humanitarian case for #Bitcoin @gladstein @obi @jackmallers @YeonmiParkNK

⚡️A wave of Bitcoiners make the pilgrimage to the holy land for the @AdoptingBTC conference. 🌋🇸🇻

@FossGregfoss reminds everyone to “do the math!” 🇸🇻


⚡️@Excellion calls out @VitalikButerin’s bs during the @labitconf in Buenos Aires.🇦🇷

⚡️@TuckerCarlson gets orange pilled— hosts a wave of based Bitcoiners on primetime tv @saylor @nayibbukele @MartyBent @maxkeiser

⚡️@joerogan gets fully orange pilled— mentions #Bitcoin 10+ times on the pod. @khalilrountree

⚡️@jordanbpeterson travels further down the rabbit hole, theorizing on the ramifications of taking control away from the central banks. @Breedlove22

⚡️Renaissance 2.0 @nayibbukele launches the greatest rebrand in history. Establishes the National #Bitcoin Office. @bitcoinofficesv @stacyherbert

⚡️44 Central Bankers across the world travel to visit @Bitcoinbeach seeing first hand, the promise of #Bitcoin

⚡️@elonmusk buys Twitter and signals his intent to build the “everything app” + integrate payments.

⚡️@nayibbukele sends bill to Congress to activate the #Bitcoin backed volcano bond offering. 🌋🇸🇻 @maxkeiser

⚡️#ThankAMaxi movement gains momentum following the collapse of Luna, Celsius, 3AC, BlockFi, and FTX.

Not your 🔑 Not your 🧀

New army of #Bitcoin maximalists formed. @dergigi

What were YOUR favorite #Bitcoin 2022 moments?

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