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Game Programmer @CoalitionGears | #GameDev on @Gearsofwar | #IndieDev on the Side (#Retrobrew, #WitchNWiz, #FromBelow) | #PICO8 #NESDEV #γƒ•γ‚‘γƒŸγ‚³γƒ³ #NES #gbdev

Dec 20, 2022, 5 tweets

Did you know: πŸ€”

The infamous "sprite flicker" you see on the NES, is not actually a built-in hardware feature.

This flicker needed to be hand-coded into every game!

But why!? πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡

The flicker is an attempt to avoid a limitation of the NES:

The NES can only display 8 sprites per horizontal line of the screen.


The NES's default behavior is to *stop drawing sprites* once that 8 sprite limit it reached. This is what *that* looks like.

Notice that the purple character on the left just completely vanishes. You can imagine why games avoided this.

(The 4 skeletons use 8 sprites total)

Here's a basic version of the flicker. In an emulator you can see that the sprite memory on the right (highlighted with a red circle) is changing the order of sprite data every frame, which means that *which* sprites come *after* the 8-sprite-limit changes every frame aka flicker

And the final results running on a real NES + a CRT TV where I find it looks a lot better than in an emulator + LCD. #nesdev

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