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Jan 15th 2023
Implementing scrolling on the NES is difficult. Because of that, I've been thinking about what different platformer games have done, and which battles I want to fight with my #nesdev game.

I'll document all the different *types* of scrolling I can think of in this thread.
::Full 8-Way Scrolling (Blaster Master)::

Levels extend in all directions with a maze-like layout, not favoring any one direction in particular. Levels are much larger than can fit in nametable, and employ level streaming.
::Limited 8-Way Scrolling (Mario 3)::

SMB 3 has some levels with 8 way scrolling, but are still designed with a bias towards horizontal movement. Up/Down is reserved for "hidden objects" and "secrets".

Camera is designed to only scroll up if player is doing a highjump/flying.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
Did you know: 🤔

The infamous "sprite flicker" you see on the NES, is not actually a built-in hardware feature.

This flicker needed to be hand-coded into every game!

But why!? 🧵👇
The flicker is an attempt to avoid a limitation of the NES:

The NES can only display 8 sprites per horizontal line of the screen.

The NES's default behavior is to *stop drawing sprites* once that 8 sprite limit it reached. This is what *that* looks like.

Notice that the purple character on the left just completely vanishes. You can imagine why games avoided this.

(The 4 skeletons use 8 sprites total)
Read 5 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
Here's a fun problem to solve when making NES games, that you might not even realize is a problem! #nesdev

Sprites on the NES are actually drawn in "screen space" and wrap around at the edges. But obviously in many games, this makes no sense! Here's how to solve it 🧵
The sprites are drawn in a range of 0-255 on the x-axis (0-239 on the y-axis), and have no concept of a "camera", or the level. It is up to the dev to draw them in a location on screen that makes sense, relative to the game's camera.
It is also up to the dev to make sure that objects that are "off camera" do not get drawn.

But this can be tricky because "objects" are actually multiple 8x8 sprites drawn together to form a larger object.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Got the day off work, and kids are in school! Time to go ham on this project, and turn *this* (side scroller) into *this* (top down rpg-like world map). #nesdev
Bringin' in the lil' guy! Image
Believe it or not, this is actually *progress*! Graphics data for the top down character is being properly swapped in (replacing the side scroller graphics).

Just the animation data hasn't bee updated!👍
Read 37 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
(🔓) Whether you’re a video game publisher looking for devs to work with; a gamer looking for 700 new NES games to play (and links to each); or a collector collecting the rarest games anywhere—“NES2” games—this historic archive at RETRO is for you. #nesdev…
1/ In between writing about insurrection, inflation, infection and invasion, I’ve been working to catalog the efforts of what I think is one of the most interesting—and fastest-growing—art communities in the world: regular folks who learned to code so they could make video games.
2/ Gaming is the biggest entertainment industry in the world; Nintendo is the biggest name in that industry; the Nintendo Entertainment System is literally the foundation upon which the video game industry was built; and now *anyone can easily learn to make games for it*. Crazy!
Read 11 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
(🔓) RETRO UNLOCKED: The RETRO Top 250 NES Homebrews

This is the largest, most comprehensive assessment of video gaming’s fastest-growing retro subculture ever done.

That said, it’s a dynamic work-in-progress still seeking—and taking seriously—all input.…
1/ The purpose of this research is to honor the art of some of the most talented creators working in America today. They’ve revitalized and expanded upon the historic influence of (IMO) the greatest video game console in history—the console that made modern video gaming possible.
2/ I hope any gamers who read the above article—not to mention the #nesdev and #nesmaker folks who have made the NES homebrew scene run for years and years and years—will RETWEET it, as America really deserves to discover this absolutely fascinating new ecosystem of 8-bit gaming.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
My NES game has a kickstarter and it's live!…
woah 2/3rds funded in under 24 hours!! Image
Hey, folks, I'm gonna be streaming NES playing for the next few hours on my twitch if you want to stop by and chat about GunTneR!!
Read 64 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
You misread me, my intentions, how I see myself, and what I was trying to achieve.

My aim was to help and not hurt.

You should feel good about having ended this attempt by a journalist to draw attention to #nesdev.

I’ve removed the article and will end the project immediately.
(PS) The methodology article preceding the rankings—which everyone skipped—made clear that I'm not perfect and that mistakes would be made and that I would try to continually improve the work. I made countless edits in response to suggestions.

All of that good faith was ignored.
(PS2) I really hope the NES homebrew scene thrives. That the first time a journalist with a large audience tried to take an expansive view of it—with an explicit statement that all rankings are *subjective*—he was met with claims that it was “dangerous.” That does not auger well.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
(🔓) RETRO UNLOCKED: Here it is—free to the public and open to comment from anyone. This research on the thriving NES homebrew scene (tag: #nesdev) took months, scores of hours, and (I'll add) much more money than I expected. I hope you'll share it widely!…
1/ As a cultural theorist as well as someone who teaches video games at the university level and has been a video game journalist for many years, I find the ever-evolving "homebrew" scene—which started in the 2000s but has blown up over the last few years—endlessly enthralling.
2/ Like many reading this, I grew up on games for the original NES.

After the Video Game Crash of 1983, it seemed as though Atari had sunk the concept of "video games" forever. Nintendo changed history with the NES; video games are now the world's largest entertainment industry.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
(RETRO) The RETRO Top 100 NES Homebrew Games ranking is coming Tuesday. Tell your friends!

This'll be a good chance for folks who didn't realize it to discover that the Nintendo of their youth is back—and in a surprising number of cases, better than ever.
(PS) RETRO has play-tested, assessed and curated so many NES homebrew games that tomorrow's debut Top 100 will include *fifty* honorable mentions. So the total number of gamers and game development studios that I think will take an interest in tomorrow's reveal is...considerable.
(PS2) A few tags for the RETRO Top 100: #nesdev @NESHomebrew @ParisoftGames @morphcat @6502Collective @atonofglaciers @mojon_twins @LowtekGames @johnblueriggs @MetalJesusRocks @RetroHangover @megacatstudios and anyone else y'all want to bring over to RETRO tomorrow (Tuesday PM).
Read 4 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
Designing game manuals for #nesdev and more.
A thread.
First, decide on a manual format. Take into consideration available printing methods (professional printing, local copyshop, or DIY desktop printing for instance), run size, and intended price / audience.
There are four formats I usually choose among depending on these factors:
My fav? Foldout posters. A normal manual is 5.25 x 4". An 11x17 sheet folds to 5.5 x 4.25" (A3 to 5.85 x 4.125). I use an accordion fold followed by a bifold.
Pros: Easy layout, many printshops offer machine folding. Is a poster.
Cons: Creased artwork.

(a53 pic by @bbbradsmith)
Read 26 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020




Read 3 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
You can play @mojontwins' entry for Nesdev compo 2019 right now! Nin Nin is a simpler, easier version of Ninjajar I made for my 5 y.o. kid. He loves it, maybe you do too! Grab it @ #nesdev #NES #homebrew #compo #8bit… Image
A cambio el churum me ha hecho este coche super chulo para que vaya a trabajar. Y ojo, que trae un ninja. Image
Read 3 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
🍊~We have an official date set for our @Kickstarter launch!~🍊

Please help retweet this so our community can grow more leading up to our campaign. We want to be in the best position possible to make this a success and deliver on our vision!

#gamedev #indiedev #nesdev #pixelart
We'll be announcing the date any day now so stay tuned!
Since this is blowing up a little (THANK YOU!!) can we also ask y'all to join our newsletter? We've given out exclusive little goodies and dev notes to the mailing list every month for over 6 months now! :) The next one is coming the day our KS starts.
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