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Money, Men and Munition is needed to win against Russia. Not Tom Clancy My Russophobia is not based on fear.

Dec 21, 2022, 12 tweets

🇺🇦 Update🧵December 21th

This thread is brought to you by a new RU species, The Yellow Ghoul.

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Yesterdays thread:

Shelling locations reported by UA general staff today

Weather by @davidhelms570
No change, continued above freezing temperatures.

The AFU repulsed an attack in the area of Masyutivka. Just like the image show, I believe the AFU control the area close to the river.

The AFU repulsed an attack around Pidkuichans'k, I believe the AFU has made some progress here and moved the blue line accordingly.

Wargonzo reports RU attacks in the direction of Stel'makhivka. This is of course not Peg-legged Pegov reporting this, he is busy in moscow getting his propaganda ass kissed by Putin to ensure the support of the propaganda machine.

The AFU repulsed attacks around Dibrova, Bilohorivka and Verkhn'okam'yans'ke.

Wanger units have been replaced south of the SD river, the new units supposedly look more like homeless people than soldiers.

Regarding Dibrova, I do not know the status of it, it's a small settlement, but the latest info I have is it's held by the Russians, but that info is also pretty old. Satellite images indicates no or very little combat in the Village.

The AFU repulsed attacks around Bilohorivka, Yakovlivka, Bakhmutske and Bakhmut. Wargonzo reported RU attacks around Optyne and Kurdyumivka. I believe the situation has stabilized after the UA unit rotations.

The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Vodyane, __Pisky__, Nevelske, Maryinka, Novomykhailivka and Prechistivka.
I'm unsure what the mention of Pisky means, but most likely nothing. I'm unsure why you would even want to counter attack in to a pile of rubble.

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