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Dec 22, 2022, 23 tweets

The cast of #TheTraitors if they were characters from Greek mythology.

1. Maddy/Cassandra

Fated by the gods to utter true prophecies but never to be believed.

2. Tom/Agamemnon

Sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia (Ivan) in order to appease the Gods. Back fires and ultimately causes his downfall.

3. Alex/Helen of Troy

Is seduced by Paris (Matt) and elopes with him, starting a conflict that will last for generations and change the lives of everyone involved.

4. Andrea/Penelope

100% faithful. Just waiting for her husband Odysseus (Amos) to return.

5. Ivan/Iphigenia

Initially hesitant to allow her father Agamemnon (Tom) to sacrifice her, but gives in and goes to her death willingly.

6. Fay/Tiresias

The blind prophet. Wise but misguided.

7. Matt/Paris

Pretty boy whose involvement with Helen of Troy (Alex) brings utter chaos.

8. Wilfred/The Trojan Horse

Was welcomed into Troy as a gift from the Greeks, unaware that the horse was harbouring the Trojan army who would emerge at night and massacre the city.

9. Meryl & Hannah/ The Trojan guards on duty the day they welcomed the Horse into Troy.

10. Amanda/Dolos

The spirit of trickery. A master at cunning, deception, fraud, craftiness, and treachery. Icon.

11. Aaron/Theseus

Archetypal hero who enters a complicated and treacherous labyrinth and relies on the knowledge of a woman to help him navigate it.

12. Kieran/The Minotaur

Half man (faithful), half bull (traitor) creature who doesn't realise that the labyrinth that has been constructed around him is an elaborate trap/prison.

13. Theo/The Lotus Eaters

A group of men who eat a special plant that doubles as a narcotic. Because of their consumption of the plant they become inebriated and distracted, preferring to spend their time having fun rather than focusing on the matter at hand.

14. Alyssa/Daedalus

Architect of the labyrinth (traitor code of conduct) who was later imprisoned in it as punishment for failure.

15. Imran/Heracles

The youngest person in the world to kill a snake with their bare hands. (Ancient Greek equivelant of a PHD in Astrophysics.)

*Greek army

16. John/Cronus

Titan who eats his own son (Aaron) out of paranoia and insecurity.

17. Amos/Odysseus

Presumed dead, makes a surprising return to Ithica (a castle in Scotland) after a long absence and deals an effective blow to the suitors (traitors) who have over taken his court

18. Claire/Arachne

Uses her skills in weaving (detective work) to display the wrong doings of the gods (traitors). Is killed out of spite. Later turned into a spider and weaves intricate webs instead (tweets about how she would have done things differently if she had lived)

19. Nicki/Medusa

A priestess of Athena, was cruelly punished by the goddess (faithful) for circumstances completely out of her control.

20. Rayan/Greek Chorus

Kept a distance from most of the main action, but provided helpful insight and commentary on the main characters.

21. Aisha/Medea's Children

Innocent bystander caught between their fighting parents Medea (traitors) and Jason (faithful). Medea crosses the moral event horizon and murders her own children to spite her husband. From this point on there is no going back.

And finally!

22. Claudia/Mt. Olympus

Sublime. Mysterious. Unfathomable.

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