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Dec 22nd 2022
The cast of #TheTraitors if they were characters from Greek mythology.

1. Maddy/Cassandra

Fated by the gods to utter true prophecies but never to be believed.
2. Tom/Agamemnon

Sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia (Ivan) in order to appease the Gods. Back fires and ultimately causes his downfall.
3. Alex/Helen of Troy

Is seduced by Paris (Matt) and elopes with him, starting a conflict that will last for generations and change the lives of everyone involved.
Read 23 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
If Wilf's getting voted out now, by Kieran, he's gonna be fucking fuming and I don't blame him. #TheTraitors
Enormous mistake making him a traitor. Massive.
It's great telly, this. #TheTraitors
Read 4 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
Kieran Tompsett #TheTraitors…
Furious motorists have hit out at traffic wardens who continue to issue tickets despite the coronavirus lockdown..Outraged Kieran Tompsett had been at the hospital to see the birth of his daughter on Monday when he witnessed
the unnamed man giving out tickets. As he left the hospital he gave the bumbling warden a piece of his mind.
A younger Kieran Thompsett at Smart Payments Summit - innovation in fintech and digital transactions…

organised by Forum Events, the company he worked for
Read 9 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
In what could be a scene straight from a Christmas movie, I just went to the door for my Tesco order, but instead of the delivery man, there stood, with the snow whirling around him, my husband, returned unannounced after months at sea ❤️🎄
In a further plot twist, the Tesco man has now arrived, but has become stuck on the ice in our drive. Him and Graham are out with shovels 🤣

Meanwhile, I'm on to the phone to the Christmas drama commisioners at Channel 5.
The Tesco man has now come in for a cup of tea while he waits for a tow.

This might end like a very different type of movie.
Read 14 tweets

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