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5:22+55=🖤🦢♋️ ⛈️☔️|+55=👑✨️ DeCoDing_The_MaTriX ☀️ 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence' (MrPool) ☀️

Dec 23, 2022, 13 tweets

Today I'm going to decode 444.
I've always thought that 444 means the storm - see Pool's storm posts from 7/25/20 at 4:44 - confirmed by the incredible string of numerical connections I'm going to show you.

444 is part of #Code48 and #ChessCode 64.
4(4x4)=416, 4x16=64

It turns out that 444 gives us our March moon date 🌕 so let's decode it!
My theory is that the week of March 13-19 is Pool's week 44, when it all goes down.
I think March 15 will be a Black Swan event, and the war ends March 17
First I counted -444 days from 3/13/23 = 12/24/21

12/24/21 was of course BG123's Christmas post with the 2022 calendar, marking 3/13.
He was telling us about week 44! Just he dated the calendar 2022 instead of 2023, to make it less easy.
12/24/21 is also a numerical curiosity.
So, 123321
Or, (1+3)(2+2)(3+1)=444

Now we repeat the operation and count back another 444 days, a total of 888 days from 3/13/23.
10/6=106, straight away makes me think of the 636/106 buy XRP/much wow/Quack Quack/Metatron Gematria.
The only two posts on 10/6 are from Howard Moon, his faith post and 'X'.

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark= 4014/669
4/14 XRP 2nd high
The post is saying, have faith in XRP.
Time between the posts = 6 hours 30 mins = 390 minutes.
39=3x13, so linking 10/6 to 3/13.
(I know the year is 2022, not 2020)

There are 2 Pool posts at 10:06pm

TSET A TON SI SIHT = 1188/198
(11x8)8=888 ✅
10/6/20+888 days=3/13/23

Six month from now you won't exist = 2616/436
4x16=64 ✅
4x36=144=12x12 ✅
Date 4/7/22
6x16=96=2x48 ✅
(A relief it isn't literal!)

After finding Pool links between 10/6 and 3/13, I went on to David.
10/6/22 turned up trumps.
David did a thread on AI's concept of beauty.

First post in the thread at 9:24pm
9x25=216, Metatron's Cube

After posting 4 beautiful women, he posted 'working on men'...

Then 'we are experiencing technical difficulties' lol.
Technical difficulties = 1188
So this thread gives us the 444 and the 888 that connect 10/6/20 and 3/13/23 (week 44).
David starting with AI was genius! It gives him an excuse to post all kind of unlikely stuff 😄

Next Elon, he gave us the goods on 10/6/20, right year and all.
He cited a SpaceX tweet at 7:44am.
Falcon 9's first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship. Nice name!
Of Course I Still Love You = 1788/298
(1+7)88=888! ✅
Also 17x88=1496
444! ✅

There are certainly more comms out there, but I think this is enough to demonstrate there is a link between 10/6/20 and 3/13/23 using 444 and 888.
This confirms my idea that 3/13/23 is the start of the Storm.

So now we just need to backtrack to BG123's 2021 Christmas post.

He posted at 12:07pm EST
12x7=84 ✅
I tired the gematria just to see, and got a hit!
Very interesting times are coming = 2166/361
111x8=888 ✅
And remember what I said about the date?
12/24/21=> 123321

We already know about 1/23
So maybe there's also 3/21?

1/23/23 is my projected new ATH (code of 48).
I think February will be quiet on the charts, and we start again in March. I haven't yet given a March moon date, but I have decoded:
3/13 start of week 44
3/14 possible overnight
3/15 Ides of March, Black Swan event
3/17 end of war

So a 3/21 moon date doesn't seem off the cards.
There are lots of 123 321 Pool posts (which we saw in decodes for December 3) so I'll check through these again in another thread for March 21st.
3/21 is also the new moon at 12:23pm EST.
The spring equinox is 3/20/23 at 5:24pm EST

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