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He is the One God ✨️ Interpreter of Numbers ✨️ 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence' (looP_rM) ✨️
26 subscribers
Oct 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Pool's BLACK video with the text of Surah 103. 3 verses, 3 scenes.

Al-Asr is about Time, the nemesis of mortal man. GOD IS TIMELESS.

Romans 6:23 expresses the exact same concept:
For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ our Lord. Pool posted this video on 8/15/20. The hash reads B L A C K

From 8/15/20 to 12/12/23 was 3y 119d
3119=444th prime
3119🪞9113=I AM
3119=abjad gematria of Surah 103:3

From 8/15/20 to 12/21/24 is 1589 days.
Oct 9, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
"The future will be streamed live"

This one's so interesting.
10/10, at 10pm EST
A millennium codes for Nov 2-3.
Consider Revelation 20 in that context.

10/10, 7pm PT=92, 144 c/a
Today is 25 days to 11/3 ✅️ I know it's a play on 25 for multiple reasons.
The future will be streamed live=320
This morning, a hare ran out from almost under my feet.

It reminded of the night a deer ran out in front of my car (8/25=♾️, 2⁵)

Oct 7, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh man. Time to show yourselves. Stand up and be counted 🫡🙏
Are you on God's side?

Before the one you serve=248
(1),2,4,8 is a reference to the exponential system of levels. We start the journey to 2¹¹ on 11/2

Bow down=96 🔄
David posted at 5:51pm EST
1929 INCOMING The red and green marks at the bottom are important: left=red, right=green.
Same as in maritime navigation. Red on the left (for entering the harbour).

Side power=114⚡️

The Switch is coming soon... but first, everything must burn 🔥 🔥🔥 Image
Jun 21, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
Interesting to see Podesta in the news... but this is John, not Tony.

Tony Podesta is the fat brother. He was in the news in January when he sold his house in DC for $8.2M. Yes, the house with the infamous pedo artwork.

Anyway... I think John Podesta's reappearance is a comm. Q posted about Podesta in the early drops:
Q15: 11.3 - Podesta indicted
Q34: On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4).
Jun 19, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Today is a good date for cyber attacks⚡️619 is a powerful combo.

619=114th prime
Q4587: Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.

Today is 27 days before 7/16
6/13 was the 33 day mark.
{6/13<>6/19<>7/16} What happened on June 13th?

Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) Artificial Intelligence Cyber Tabletop Exercise.

Today is 3 years 11 months 11 days since the first Cyber Polygon exercise on July 8 2020.

Jun 7, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read

We know the proportions of the Great Pyramid are in the Golden Ratio, but what does that mean?

The height is half the base multiplied by phi.

I calculated all the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in Royal cubits, metres and feet. Image The diagonal measurement from the centre of the base to the corner is particularly important. Imagine a circle drawn around the square base of the pyramid. This diagonal would be the radius of that circle.

The diagonal measures 311 cubits.
Pool vibes.
Jun 5, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Tomorrow 6/6/24 is 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣

I said many times that 666 is a divine number and that Revelation is misleading.
Sorry, I was wrong.
666 does indeed represent the Beast rule on Earth which started with the vax rollout on 12/8/20.

I think it will come to an end on 7/16/24=666+40 days. This period of 40 days is very significant, meaning deep change or transformation in the Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an.

~The rain in the Flood lasted 40 days.
~Moses received the Ten Commandments after 40 days fasting on Mount Sinai.
~Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days.
Jun 5, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
Mr Pool did a massive drop last night because of the important date.
6/4 to 7/16=1 month 12 days
112=divinity ✨️
6/4 to 7/16=42 days
42=>the 42-letter name of God (Hebrew gematria 3701=517th prime).

The theme is God.
This is MUCH BIGGER than anyone can imagine (Q). In no particular order.
The key to the castle, reposted from 3/11/22.
27 codes for God's presence in our human existence.
CASTLE=3 1 19 20 12 5
This is a perfect sequence of letters.
3119=444th prime ⛈️⚡️🌧
3119🪞9113=I AM
20125<>5/2/21 Elon's Much Wow.
Jun 4, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
What connects NO, leap years, X, Revelation 14-15 and the year 609 (first chapters of the Qur'an revealed to Muhammed)?

The answer is Judgement Day.

NO=14 15 (🪞ON)
The year 609 was 1415 years ago.
14+15=20=10th prime=X
There's only one month with 29 days, once every 4 years. Image I think this all connects to July 16th 2024. I've posted about some of my reasons and I'll continue to do so.

2/29/24 to 7/16/24=138 days
138=2×3×23=1st×2nd×9th primes
1, 2 and 9
That gives 12 9 (589 reset code) and 1×29 (=14+15)

It's also 4 months 17 days.
4=>7=>17 (prime 🔗)
Jun 4, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
June 16th is going to be an important day.
It's day 168, the perfect mirror date of July 16th (only happens in leap years).
Eid al Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) begins. This celebrates the story of Abraham, who was willing to sacrifice his son, but God provided him with a lamb 🐏 Image The story of Abraham's test is told in the Bible in Genesis 22.

It appears in Surah 37 of the Qur'an, verses 102-111.
37 codes for 12/21, the darkest day.
There are 10 verses (10=X)

Both the Bible and Qur'an contain numerical code.
Jun 3, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
This Mr Pool post has the same gematria as the total pages in the Qur'an 6️⃣0️⃣4️⃣ that's definitely not a co17cidence.
3 sentences: 125, 368, 111
I checked the pages that match the cumulative gematria total.
📖 page 125
📖 page 493 (125+368)
📖 page 604 (125+368+111) Image Page 125 contains verses 104-108 of Surah 5, Al-Ma'idah (The Table).

These are verses 773-777 counting from the start of the Qur'an! Not a co17cidence.
773=137th prime

These numbers correspond to Pool's MESSAGE BEGINS (=125)

May 30, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
I started working on the Qu'ranic initials this morning. These are isolated letters at the beginning of 29 different Surahs that no one fully understands.

They are an important numerical code, so I thought I should check them out. This is a good article:… There's good information in that article that I'll refer to, but I don't agree with the conclusions drawn in terms of dates.

This is the table of Qur'anic initials.
The gematria of all the initials adds to 1709. However, some of the initials appear multiple times. Image
Apr 24, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
Is the Ides of March imminent?

Big Ben stopped this morning at 9am. At 10:06am it chimed 11 times.
10:06am=606 mins=6×101
Ides of March=101

Pool posted Big Ben with the full moon on 12/21/19. Last night was the full moon.
10 days previously, Pool posted a hash link to an article about Big Ben as the symbol of UK power ⬇️ This was 49 days after his first post.

Today's malfunction of Big Ben and the loose horses seem an obvious comm about imminent chaotic events in London.

Apr 1, 2024 28 tweets 14 min read

When Doge Designer kindly reminds us of this epic post, you can be sure it's for a reason!

Elon posted that on 7/1/22, the day he came back after 10 days dark 😏 starting 6/21/22 with his 711 ✨️ gas station.

There's a lot to unpack here! Doge Designer's gematria=579 c/a
579 mins=9:39am
Elon's second post back was at 9:39pm:
Feeling … perhaps … a little bored?
Total gematria=264=2³×3×11 (11/3/23 or 3/11/23, both day counts give ❤️)
perhaps=83 (23rd prime)
a little bored=123

Mar 17, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
📅 3/17!
I have some good news - though some may perceive it as bad.

I have always rejected the idea of using other calendars (sometimes emphatically!). I reconsidered in the light of @M08C790093847's info, and I believe the events timeline is on the Julian calendar. 3/11 was the start ✅️ (confirmed by the pump)
3/11 G is 2/27 J, π day

This post gives very exact comms
We start with you=227
START 2/27=3/11 G

We end with you=172=2²×43
43 is the 14th prime, 2²/14 :)

2²×14=56=2³×7 (7/23 It begins)

We start with you=4 words 14 letters 🔚 Image
Jan 1, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
I saw Leave the World Behind last night. I noticed some interesting details which I was thinking of posting about... but this afternoon, after checking numbers connected to the Japan tsunami, I found some seriously mind-blowing stuff from this movie.
Let's start with the ship. Image This is a crazy match to David's 12/9/21 post from Antarctica of the ship apparently 'beached' in the ice.
David's ship was Le Commandant Charcot=183
183 is a 7/2 comm (day #183)
Today is 183 days from day #183 of 2023 🤯🤯

Dec 8, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I discovered why 3119 is so important.
3119 is the 444th prime
444=12×37 (12th prime)
12/12/2023 I had to rush that post to get it out at 3:57am EST 😅
444 gives both 12/12/23 and 12/21/23:
37=12th prime; 3×7=21 => 37 codes for 12/21

I checked 444 days before both dates.
Ripple Riddler posted the fork in the road.
Nov 17, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Remember Pool's arrow through the world? It makes perfect sense now 🏹 🪩 ✨️

He first put it on his banner on 2/9/23, location ICELAND and 215 on his bio.

There was intense volcanic activity in Iceland last week and massive cracks opened in the ground.
Pool kept the arrow on his header for 21 days (=3×7), until 3/2/23, when he replaced it with the sun.
3223 is one of the key reset numbers.

The image was David's photo of Santorini which he posted 3/3/21 at 2:23pm.
Elon announced the launch will be Saturday 18, day #322
Nov 15, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
THE ÆTHER (part ii)
There are five classical elements:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aether.

X has æther ✨️

You can be sure that SpaceX and Tesla have technology to harvest energy from the æther - when we're Domeless.

We are about to recover our glorious Tartarian past.
🕌🏯🛕🏰 David posted this on 12/24/22, the same day of BG's Christmas post.
David posted at 6:03pm, BG at 00h: 5 hrs 57 mins between.
5=5th element

There's a lot of detail in this post. The key is the æthereal light blazing into the room.

Nov 13, 2023 19 tweets 9 min read

Once you see the truth, you can't unsee it. After the flash comes the torrent of revelation. Trying to sort it out in my head because this is huge, and it makes sense of so much.

Here goes:
1) We are covered by an artificial dome made of frozen æther✨️ 2) The dome wasn't part of God's original creation.
3) The æther (source of free energy) is outside the dome.
4) The purpose of the dome is to keep [them] in - whatever [they] are. Our bad luck is that we were trapped inside with [them].
5) The dome aka the Van Allen Belt.
Oct 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
JP10Y are at 0.89 and rising...

Hiroshima 2

Today is 2 months 24 days after the 78-year anniversary.
2/24 was the start of the Russian Special Military op. Pool posted red lights. What if they're for this 2/24?

28574 days since the bomb
157 is the 37th prime. 10 red lights from Pool on 2/24/22
Red light=83 (23rd prime)

2/24/22 was 613 days ago today (112th prime) or 1 year 248 days.

1248 is the exponential function of 2: 2⁰=1, 2¹=2, 2²=4, 2³=8...

613 days... 6:13am is 373 mins 😮