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Dec 24, 2022, 11 tweets

Russian Bible Wars: Modern Scriptural Translation and Cultural Authority by Stephen K. Batalden

(p. 11) The vast publishing network set up by the Russian Bible Society (RBS) with the help of the Foreign & British Bible Society (FBBS) and the role the RBS played in spreading literacy.

(p. 13) The myriad of languages the RBS published in and the extensive reach of the RBS across the entire Russian Empire. Freemasonry was key to this as was the Russian Orthodox Church which supported the spread of the movement.

(pp. 14-15) St. Tikhon was influenced by the German freemasonic “interior ‘true‘ Christian piety”. This movement would also spawn/influence:
#GoldenDawn #Martinism #Rosicrucianism #Lutheranism #Freemasonry and the #Illuminati.


(pp. 205-6) After the freemasonic Russian Bible Society was shut down the freemasonic 'saint' Filaret oversaw the Synodal translation of the bible which used Masoretic Text as its foundation for OT. Bible translation eventually was inherited by the Institute Saint Serge in Paris.

(pp. 206-7) The Synodal Bible based on the Masoretic Text, “provided a powerful scholarly refutation to the charge of blood libel.”

It would be good to know who was involved in this translation at St. Sergius and what their qualifications were. Florovsky was hired to teach patristics at St. Sergius before his own study of patristics had begun

(pp. 327-8) Part of the ecumenical interfaith interreligious translating team

(pp. 197-200) The nitty-gritty of the Institute St. Sergius in Paris’ translation [PART ONE]

(pp. 201-4) The nitty-gritty of the Institute St. Sergius in Paris’ translation [PART TWO]

Freemasons Hall and Tavern, where the ‘non-denominational’ unitarian British and Foreign Bible Society held meetings. As you show, the work at St. Sergius on the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Bible translation was done “under the sponsorship of the British and Foreign Bible Society”

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