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Veränderung beginnt bei einem selbst mit offenen Dialogen, Hinterfragen & Verstehen Tweets sind im Zweifel Satire Führe Dialoge gerade auch mit Andersdenkenden!

Dec 25, 2022, 41 tweets

There is "freedom of expression" in the US/NATO West - the oligarchies under the invisible rule of the gigantic families of wealth (nothing new).
There is no censorship,

it is only determined in a woke way what people are still allowed to think in a politically correct way. Censorship is then no longer necessary.

And those who still dare to think otherwise than the woks & the prevailing narratives are fact-checked, slandered, thrown out of jobs, the public &then out of life? by fellow woken humanitarians who only want to save the climate and ...? want to save?

The woke warmongers and fighters for exclusive Orwellian freedom of speech and for NATO-Nazi final victory over Putin down to the last Ukrainian rage after every "free" expression of opinion on their turf on Twitter, in the major media and public service media.

When the crime is "peace" and "demanding peace (negotiations)".
- More woke Orwellian thinking is almost impossible!

There are billions, even trillions in Wokistan (Wokoharam) for one of the greatest possible crimes, mass murder through war. The majority of society is allowed to pay with their lives.... and the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes become even richer!

Wokeness and the woke SAntifa is the latest form of fascism alongside the Great Reset in the service of the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes to secure their rule in the crisis.

A new Hitler and his brand of Nazi fascism can only be sold in Western Ukraine.

And never forget. Fascism and capitalism belong together. With the increasing crisis through more and more redistribution upwards, the ruling class of the very large fortunes is relying on fascism &totalitarianism as instruments of domination under the pretext of Corona.

Still the ruling class of very large fortunes, especially the USA, through the US government, the US/NATO, the CIA... dominates most of humanity. However, the state of the USA, which secures the rule of the ruling class, is bankrupt.

The US has not run a surplus or balanced a budget since 2001. In the last 50 years, the US has had only 4 years of profits. In fact, all the US profits would not be enough to pay for 6 months of the current annual deficit.

How has the US paid for everything so far?

US spending and debt are out of control and the government can only raise the money it needs by printing. This causes inflation. And inflation is expropriating the majority of US Americans and making the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes even richer.

It's like paying extra taxes because you pay more for the things you need, and all your assets lose value.

See the American money printing frenzy:

Another answer so far is through the US dollar-oil price peg. That is, the world order where everyone who wants to buy energy must first buy US dollars in order to buy oil/gas, whose producers buy with US dollars and thus export the inflation/debt/deficit of the USA.

The reason the US got away with it for so long is that the USD is the world's reserve currency. Nations all over the world hold the USD as a safe asset. So when the US government prints trillions, it robs Americans and the whole world.

The biggest theft in history.

The problem is that this has been going on for decades and there is no way to change it. The reality is that the US has been bankrupt for some time and what is coming is a nightmare: mass poverty & a new system of control. Role model: US oligarchy

The total debt of the USA is 90 trillion dollars. The unfunded liabilities of the US amount to 169 trillion dollars. Combined, that's $778,000 per US citizen, or $2,067,000 per US taxpayer.

The US government can now only function by printing more money. This means that hyperinflation is inevitable.

The total value of ALL companies listed on the US stock exchange is $53 trillion. The real value is much lower because the US has printed trillions to give interest-free loans to investment banks and pump up the stock market.

This is a fraud.

Most of the $53 trillion is air.
The value of all US assets combined, every piece of land, every piece of real estate, all savings, all businesses, everything owned by all citizens, businesses, institutions and the state, is worth $193 trillion.

This figure is also completely made up out of thin air, just like the US stock market.
Let's do the math:

Total US debt
90 trillion dollars

Unfunded liabilities of the USA
169 trillion dollars

259 trillion dollars

Less all US assets
193 trillion dollars

Balance sheet
- 66 trillion dollars

That's $66 trillion in debt and liabilities after all US assets have been sold.

A nightmare... for the whole world...

So even if the US could sell all its assets at current value, which is impossible, it would still be broke.

The US is more than bankrupt.
This patient is already dead.
This patient is now a zombie.

Why are things still going on?
Why hasn't everything collapsed yet?

It's all about perception, narratives, displacement and dependency.

The perception and the narrative that is still current is that the US has the biggest economy and the strongest military in the world. But in reality, the US is broke and cannot afford its army.

The displacement is that all nations depend on a strong US dollar, otherwise global markets will collapse.

The reason the US zombie lives on is that the end of the US means the end of Western prosperity and an admission that the current system has failed as a model for the world. This does not change the reality.

The economic collapse of the USA is inevitable and imminent. The economic collapse of the USA is inevitable and imminent and threatens the rule of the criminal ruling class of the very large fortunes who are the main creditors.

What are the plans of the ruling class of the gigantic fortunes and their government puppets?

The "Great Reset" or the "New World Order" comes into play alongside more war. Is this a controlled destruction of global markets, economies and the world as we know it?

A shift to a new dystopian future where the ruling class of very large fortunes are the masters of the ruled classes, then openly the slaves, without the cosmetics of democracy?

Without a controlled demolition, the world will collapse for everyone, including the ruling class of very large fortunes. The world has changed so much and nothing seems to make sense anymore, ...

The blatant corruption is obvious, the obvious propaganda media, the erosion of our rights.

What is the goal of the ruling class of the very large fortunes, the major creditors?

Source: @KimDotcom

The end of capitalism is approaching!
Is it going towards open fascism, totalitarianism, dictatorship of the ruling class of the very large fortunes or can the majority of humanity free itself from the rule of the ruling class, capitalism in the direction of

#Socialism #Communism #Anarchy.... a rule-free, classless society of the greatest possible freedom, participation, solidarity and diversity for all people (and all life) without exception?

"A test for "left morality" is how and whether individuals succeed in enduring and mediating contradictions (also in their own grouping): without capitulation, but also without renouncing differentiating consciousness."
Peter Brückner

Capable of the worst, the union of certain rulers makes World War possible

"While we react with fear to the resurgence of fascist, Nazi or Japanese imperial groups, we fail to see that it was not these ideologies that provoked World War, but the alliance of rulers ready for the worst.

The same configuration is about to be repeated with other groups. In a few months, if we do not react now, a Third World War may be possible."

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