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Dec 26, 2022, 10 tweets

⚡ Ramdev lifting Arnab Goswami off the ground as a feat of strength. Rahul Kanwal skipping rope with a union minister.

How did TV news get here?

In our latest #CaravanCollections, we bring you a selection of stories on the nation’s biggest outlets that help answer this:

From 2015, Krishn Kaushik’s (@Krishn_) definitive profile of NDTV, which, among other things, has produced many star anchors that came to define television news.

From 2012, Rahul Bhatia’s (@rahulabhatia) profile of Arnab Goswami, a former NDTV anchor who was “possessed of an acid personality that singed the newsroom often.”

From 2020, Christophe Jaffrelot (@jaffrelotc) and Vihang Jumle (@vihangjumle) demonstrate that the debates on Republic TV have been consistently biased in favour of the Modi government and the Bharatiya Janata Party’s ideology.

From 2017, Nikita Saxena (@nikita1712) and Atul Dev’s profile of Rajeev Chandrashekhar, a BJP politician who was a major investor in Republic TV, and his massive media empire that straddles languages and states.

From 2016, Atul Dev and Praveen Donthi profile the India TV editor-in-chief, Rajat Sharma, who, as one veteran editor put it, was “the only journalist Modi trusts.”

From 2018, Nikita Saxena’s (@nikita1712) profile of Anjana Om Kashyap and Aaj Tak. “The story of Aaj Tak is the story of how Hindi journalism collapsed,” a senior Hindi editor told Saxena. “And Anjana is one part of that story.”

From 2022, Aathira Konikkara’s (@aathira_vk) profile of the India Today group. Konikkara writes that the group’s standards began to slide long before its founder, Aroon Purie, handed over control to his daughter, Kalli.

From 2013, Rahul Bhatia’s (@rahulabhatia) report on the journey of Network18, Raghav Bahl and Reliance’s inroads into news media. As the 2014 elections were coming into view, Bhatia noted, “Bahl’s network has begun to tilt noticeably rightward.”

From 2022, Hartosh Singh Bal’s (@HartoshSinghBal) comment piece arguing that what we should really be asking is why people like Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani should have any stake in the journalistic enterprise at all.

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