Keyan Carlile Profile picture
Animator and YouTuber. Transformers Animated historian. 22. He/Him.

Dec 27, 2022, 33 tweets

Transformers Animated Season 4: What Could’ve Been

Featuring the artistic talents of: @dyemooch @WavesGlorious @jcburcham @KnightTimeArt @OreoGlitch @TheChromatroid @Destron23 @SusKatzske @JarOLooseScrews @9kGoodz @LyndaxyArt

I’d like to showcase the artwork created for this video over the last several months.

Transformers Animated Season 4 TURF WAR by @jcburcham

Animated Devastator designed by @WavesGlorious

(most TFA fan art thinks too literally about space and transformation. Derrick would always warp and twist shapes to fit the design. He also had TUBE LIMBS on every character besides Optimus, which most fan designs tend to forget)

Transformers Animated Season 4 THIS IS WHY I HATE ORGANICS by @KnightTimeArt

@KnightTimeArt Earth Mode Rattletrap design by @KnightTimeArt as well, based on Derrick’s descriptions from TFCon 2010

Transformers Animated Season 4 MIRROR, MIRROR by @OreoGlitch

@OreoGlitch Transformers Animated Season 4 MIRROR, MIRROR by @OreoGlitch

@OreoGlitch Transformers Animated Season 4 MIRROR, MIRROR by @OreoGlitch

Shattered Glass Blitzwing colors scheme finally rendered for this video by the one and only @dyemooch , based on a weird knockoff Derrick said he would take as inspiration back in 2009.

Transformers Animated Season 4 GREMLINS IN THE GEARS by @OreoGlitch

@OreoGlitch Transformers Animated Season 4 GREMLINS IN THE GEARS by @OreoGlitch

Transformers Animated Season 4 WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE by @TheChromatroid

@TheChromatroid Transformers Animated Season 4 S.T.E.A.M. by @jcburcham

S.T.E.A.M. members designed by @WavesGlorious. The original series production bible proposes G.B. Redmond as the name of the leader.

Transformers Animated Season 4 IT CAME FROM CYBERTRON by @OreoGlitch

Transformers Animated TRUKK VS. MUNKY by @Destron23

Animated Optimus Primal designed by @WavesGlorious, with a head plucked from Derrick's 90's fanart

@WavesGlorious Transformers Animated BUMBLE PRIME by @dyemooch
What would’ve been a phenomenal, standout episode. It was cut from season 3, and likely wouldn't have made it to the final version of season 4.

@WavesGlorious Bumble Prime & Future Sari designed by @WavesGlorious.

Derrick had a sketch of Bumble Prime somewhere, but sadly no one can find it.

Transformers Animated BUMBLE PRIME by @dyemooch

@dyemooch Transformers Animated BUMBLE PRIME by @dyemooch

Transformers Animated Season 4 TRIPLE THREAT by @SusKatzske

@dyemooch finally created a Marauder Megatron color scheme after all these years based on Derrick’s statements.

@WavesGlorious's attempt to finalize Derrick Wyatt’s Powermaster Prime design, leaning into his Gond Ginrai influence. Derrick never liked the proposed mockup from the Allspark Almanac. (@KnightTimeArt also made some revisions to the legs that were really nice)

Transformers Animated Season 4 ALLSPARK-ALYPSE NOW! by @JarOLooseScrews

@JarOLooseScrews Transformers Animated Season 4 ALLSPARK-ALYPSE NOW! by @JarOLooseScrews

(I only just realized TODAY, months later, that we forgot to draw the shoulderpads and cape that Derrick wanted on Sentinel Magnus in S4. Whoops!)

Prowl-Possessed Allspark fragment characters designed by me.

Transformers Animated Season 4 PROCESS OF ELIMINATION by @9kGoodz

Transformers Animated Season 4 MEGATRON MUST BE DESTROYED! by @Destron23, modified from an earlier piece to feature the redesigns of this project.

And finally...
Transformers Animated Season 4 MEGATRON MUST BE DESTROYED! by @LyndaxyArt

Thank you to everyone involved. Seeing this artwork come in over the last several months has been incredible. I'll always adore this series.

Be sure to watch Transformers Animated Season 4: What Could've Been!

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