Sam Parker 🇺🇲 Profile picture
Ran for US Senate-UT. America 1st. MAGLA-Make American Government Local Again. Repeal 16th/17th/19th/26th, Reapportionment Act of 1929 & Immigration Act of 1965

Dec 28, 2022, 12 tweets

1. Whether Ted K. died or not, here's a thread of some of his pearls of wisdom. 🧵

'Most problems are a result of the activity of large organizations, companies & goverments.'

2. 'Never lose hope. History is full of examples of losers unexpectedly becoming winners, so don't conclude all hope is lost.'

White-pilled Ted is great Ted.

3. 'Leftists hate competition because deep inside, they feel like losers.'

#TheodoreKaczynski nailed it with the insight of the century here.

4. 'Agitating for the "oppressed" is true privilege.'

Backyard parties on Martha's Vineyard where the millionaires & billionaires slap each other on the back for their advocacy for refugees & immigrants comes to mind. However, should any actual refugees show up in town...


'Leftism is a religion of totalitarian force. Everything contrary to Leftist beliefs is a sin. The Leftist not only has the right, but the duty to impose Leftist morality on everyone else. It invades every private corner & forces every thought into its Leftist mold.'

6. Remember when Ted Kaczynski told us that if the Left ever got control of tech, they'd use it to oppress everyone? Seems obvious now in hindsight, but he boldly told us this 30 years ago, when mass-market internet was still in its infancy.

#TwitterFiles #BigTechTyranny

7. Then there was this legendary moment on "Tucker Carlson Today" where Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, went mainstream. Whereas once upon a time his writings were dismissed as the incoherent ramblings of a mad man, time has allowed us to find the meat amidst the gristle.

8. "Sam, how can you quote a monster who killed people? Terrible optics!"

My longtime followers know that on my TL we don't shrink from the truth, no matter how difficult or unpopular.

We can study Ted's ideas & insights into the human condition w/o condoning his methods.

9. New generations will grow up that didn't know Ted K. for his killing, only for his writing. This is the way of history.

His manifesto goes hard:

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

Read it now.…

10. I guess you've made it once you start getting copycats...or once people start seriously reading your life's work.

Either way, The Fire Rises.

#TedKaczyinski #Unabomber

11. ***POLL***

Who's killed more people in order to advance his/her agenda?

12. Thread of new Ted Kaczynski polls

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