The most religious and hard-line government in Israel's history has just sworn.
Time for a thread to show how much the ethnic cleansing and the mass killing of Palestinians are considered acceptable well beyond "fringes".
Mavet La-Aravim ("kill the Arabs")
"A Good Arab is a Dead Arab"
"We have the right to hate Palestinians..I would carpet bomb them"
"Arab is a son of whore"
"kill them"
"feel happy to kill Arabs"
"kill the Arabs"
"Burn their villages"
Many Jews/Israelis fight hard against all this. And, not rarely, pay an harsh price for that.
Why so? Because suprematism is accepted and promoted at the institutional level.
"This land belongs to me", says the settler to the owner fo the land, "You know why? Because I am Jew".
And Palestinians become just numbers, or "heads" to be counted.
or persons to be chased in public streets.
or human shields to be used.
Again, all this is "normalized" from the top.
And digested at the bottom.
Deep hatred+violence are also part of the Palestinian side: we've to denounce this with #Equal strength.
Having said that:
—1 side self-assigned to itself a high moral ground: no reason to be there.
—There's 1 occupying army & millions of civilians under occupation since 50+yrs.
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