Lorenzo Kamel Profile picture
May 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
•in 2023🇮🇱intelligence indicated that Raisi was chosen as successor of Khamenei (source founded by🇺🇸gov.: )
•last February, "Iran International" (funded by🇸🇦) claimed that Raisi was chosen as 1 of 3 main figures designated by Khamenei to succeed himself.radiofarda.com/a/israeli-mili… •If Raisi is dead, Khamenei’s son (M.Khamenei) might have open road to replace him.
•Presidency in🇮🇷mainly focus on domestic agencies & is quite secondary (hardly comparable to that of the Supreme leader).
•Raisi & M.Khamenei are largely unpopular in🇮🇷
Jan 23, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
In the coming days,🇮🇱's army will try to take control of #TzirFiladelfi (Egypt-Israel corridor) and will then "convince" many Palestinians in Rafah (which hosts 1,5 million people) to "self-expel" themselves to Egypt.
#Today—precisely 16 years ago—this happened in "free Gaza":🧵 No external press can enter Gaza independently.

Motaz Azaiza (which left Gaza today) and almost all the remaining Palestinian journalists have been evacuated (83+ were previously killed): there will be no footage of what will happen.

Dec 30, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
Rape is a war crime: all cases involving Hamas must be #condemned as #atrocious. The same #must apply to the higher number of Palestinians who suffered rapes/sexual violence since 1948.

If this🧵was a book, its title would be:

“Also Palestinian women #matter”.

1/19 Image Due to social stigmatization, documentation of wartime rape is difficult, especially in more “traditional” societies.

Yet, rapes of Palestinian women/girls have been widely #documented, and also, at times, #justified.

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Dec 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
When someone tells you that "this is #Israel-#Hamas war", and that "Israel gave back the Gaza strip to the Palestine people back in 2005 with nothing in return as a gesture of #peace", please consider to reply with my thread 🧵
1/7 Image "Since the 1st Qassam rocket fell on Israel in April 2001, 59 Israelis have been killed - and 4,717 Palestinians. The numbers don't lie [...] and this proportion is horrifying".
(article written in 2012, just 1 year after "Iron Dome").
Nov 16, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Rape is a war crime: all cases involving Hamas must be #condemned as #atrocious

The same applies to the higher number of Palestinian women raped since 1948. And us—historians—have provided primary sources on that

Why all the focus is on 1 side only? A🧵
Due to social stigmatization and the reluctance of the survivors to speak up, documentation of wartime rape is very difficult, especially in certain societies.

Yet, rapes of Palestinian women/girls have been widely documented, and also, at times, justified.

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Oct 6, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
#NargesMohammadi won the Nobel: it's great news.
But there're so many women in other MENA countries which are brutalized also thanks to US/Eu’s direct role: yet, they’re #invisible in the West.
This 🧵is for Palestinian women, and agst instrumentalization for self-interests.
1/9 Where are Eurocentric feminists when it’s not about structural violence against women in countries which are geopolitically useful to them, and which are financially supported by them?
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Jul 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
#Palestine, July 14 - 1948.
Today, 75 yrs ago, started the largest single expulsion of the war: 60.000 inhabitants of #Lydda & #Ramla were forcibly expelled on direct orders of Yitzhak Rabin.
But the aggression started many years earlier.
This 🧵starts with Ahad Ha'am, 1891: Image The same year (1891), Moshe Smilansky, a Zionist leader who advocated peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians, arrived in "Eretz-Yisrael" from Kiev.

22 years later he wrote the following: Image
Dec 29, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
The most religious and hard-line government in Israel's history has just sworn. 
Time for a thread to show how much the ethnic cleansing and the mass killing of Palestinians are considered acceptable well beyond "fringes". Mavet La-Aravim ("kill the Arabs")
Dec 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Germany has just declared the famine in #Ukraine in the 1930s a #genocide.
They forgot to declare "a genocide" the one in Namibia 30 years earlier, when, among much else, Eugen Fischer carried out the 1st eugenics experiments on Herero women & kids.
dw.com/en/how-german-… No doubt that the German MPs, from their self-assigned high moral ground, will now also work on this:
"Between 1880 to 1920, British colonial policies in India claimed more lives than all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China and North Korea combined"
Apr 15, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
Back in 1989, Janet Abu-Lughod predicted that the era of Western hegemony would have been superseded by “a return to the relative balance of multiple centers exhibited in the 13th-century world system”.
🧵 on my #new article for @TheNatlInterest:
nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/has-… It might be too early to assess to what extent Abu-Lughod’s predictions hold true, but it does not seem far-fetched to claim that future generations will consider the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war as one of the meaningful moments in the #shift of the power balance from West to East Image
Apr 1, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
In the US-led war on #Iraq the military contingent sent by #Ukraine was 3rd-largest of the coalition.
#1million died, also due to #DepletedUranium.
#NoWeapons supplied to the invaded country.
🧵on my latest for #AsiaTimes:
asiatimes.com/2022/03/ukrain… as confirmed by the inquiry commissioned (2009) by British PM Brown to Chilcot, the intervention in Iraq was:
2)#LegalBases for military action were “far from being satisfactory”
3)#MainJustification for the attack was based on false data army.mil/article/15056/…
Aug 5, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
When in 1925 the Yeshiva Slobodka was opened in #Hebron, its large number of Ashkenazi students expressed the will to live in #complete #separation from the local #Arab population, as well as from the local #Jews (the "old Yishuv"👇)
1/8 Image “During the 30 years we have been here”, wrote in 1913 Moshe Smilansky (1874-1953), a writer emigrated to Palestine in 1891 from Kiev, “it is not they [the Arabs] who have remained alien to us but we to them”.
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