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I’ve read the QDrops so you don’t have to. disinformation expert. Sex Bot Master.

Dec 29, 2022, 6 tweets

QAnon, who claim to be all about protecting children from child trafficking, are here to tell us that Andrew Tate is being framed. #PizzaTate

Sather’s got a cowardly “who knows what is going on” post about Tate’s arrest. Following QAnon is supposed to sharpen one’s mind and give you a keen sense of discernment, yet this sort of reaction to breaking news they don’t like is very common. #PizzaTate

Julian has a “this is a set up” post before shifting to “who knows?” Really odd how the people who really hate child trafficking are so reluctant to condemn somebody arrested for child trafficking. #PizzaTate

Liz Crokin says there is “more to the story” of Tate’s arrest and that he was speaking in code the video he made before his arrest.

Pepe is here to say that because Tate did some Illuminati babble he is likely a White Hat who was exposing the Secret Truth and the Deep State now has to crush him.

“The placing of the pizza box seems staged” Pepe’s working hard on his #PizzaTate theory.

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