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Dec 30, 2022, 10 tweets

Day three of #OneWeekofKenyanBooks is all about kids books! We're highlighting Kenyan authors who have written books for Kenyan children, from toddlers to teenagers. Get ready to discover some amazing stories and adventures from the vibrant and diverse Kenyan literary scene.

Azizas Gift by Rose Mwangi

written to entertain, teach, as well as build a strong positive value system in the young reader.



My Brother With The Colourful Brain by Sahara Abdi

A book on Neurodiversity that aims to shed light on experiences of children living with Neurodiversity



Books by Author Catherine Njore, that will aid the kids with the CBC education

Kaunti za Kenya

My Stern Mom

Compass Book

Mappy Maria



Protecting Our World by Larry Liza

This book focuses on training children in environmental consciousness, cleanliness and personal hygiene through poetry, personal activities and guided activities



Maina, A Talented African Village Boy by Lilly Wambui

Maina, the boy in this book, is a brilliant and talented village boy who grew up with my grand parents at the foot of the Aberdare Ranges in central Kenya



Life’s little magical formulas by Zoya

A collection of five wonderful short stories for children on gratitude, perseverance, generosity, respect and honesty.



Tessy and the School Bag

Tessy and the School bag is about how a young girl learns how to be polite when she would like something from her parents.



A Boy Named Salah by Sahara Abdi – Ideal for 10+ years

A story of a 10 year old boy facing life with the right amount of Bedouin fortitude.



Teens Guide to the Constitution of Kenya by Sandra Ochola

The guide simplifies the technical language with which the Constitution is written and provides a colourful and age appropriate access to the Constitution.



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