Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Dec 31, 2022, 12 tweets

Tetragrammaton or Tetrahelix: Is the Name of G-d Encoded in Our DNA? (🧵)

YHWH is a Transliteration of the Hebrew יהוה or, better known, as the Tetragrammaton. These Four Letters represent the god of Israel. This Sacred Name is referred to as Shem Hamperash or 'The Name'.

As Manly P Hall explains, "By placing the Letters of the Tetragrammaton in a Vertical Column, a figure closely resembling the Human Body is Produced, with Yod for the Head, the First He for the Arms & Shoulders, Vau for the Trunk of the Body & the Final He for the Hips & Legs."

Interestingly, all three of the penalties of the Obligations for the Symbolic Degrees of the Blue Lodge are represented in this Figure as are the Anatomical Points upon which Master Hiram was assaulted by the 3 Ruffians, also, the Perfect Points of Entry are hidden in the 'Name'.

Your Body is the Living Temple of G-d.

The Tetragrammaton, this 'Sacred Name, is not only shaped like the Human Figure when placed in a Vertical Column, it is also, encoded in our Genetic Code!

DNA is composed of Four Key Elements: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon.

DNA is composed of Four Key Elements: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon. When Put Together Y-H-W-G. Carbon is what makes us Physical & Earthly Beings. When Carbon is replaced with Nitrogen, we have all Colorless, Odorless and Invisible Gases. They form the Letters YHWH.

BUT are the Letters YHWH literally found in our DNA? How so? Let me explain.

Just as an artist signs their signature at the bottom of their canvas painting, the Creator’s signature is found in all human DNA!

DNA appears as a double helix, looking like a spiral staircase. There are four nucleotide bases that make up the DNA code. They are:

Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine

These nucleotide bases are composed of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon.

Each of these letters have a number associated with it, based upon their matching values of atomic mass.

Hydrogen (1) becomes the Hebrew letter, Yod

Nitrogen (5) becomes the Hebrew letter, Heh

Oxygen (6) becomes the Hebrew letter, Vav

Carbon (3) becomes the Hebrew letter, Heh

But there is more.

The DNA molecule appears as a double helix, looking like a spiral staircase.  There are “steps” to the spiral staircase, or, sulfuric bridges. These sulfuric bridges are what keeps the two DNA strands attached together.

The Sulfuric Bridge occurs in this pattern:

Every 10 acids, there is a bridge
Every 5 acids, there is a bridge
Every 6 acids, there is a bridge
Every 5 acids, there is a bridge

This is a repeating pattern in the DNA double helix spiral.

Why is this Important? 10-5-6-5 or 26?

In Hebrew Gematria, Yod Heh Vav He is the Same Pattern 10-5-6-5 which equals 26! This is the numerical value of YHVH! The sulfuric bridges holding the DNA together repeat in a pattern that spells out the Sacred Name!

Encoded within the DNA of every person on the planet is the name of YHVH. The Creator signs his masterpiece of each human being with his very own signature.

"At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you."

John 14:20

End of Part One


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