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Jan 1, 2023, 5 tweets

Happy 2023!

To kick off the New Year and to look forward to another amazing year of #sharethegame
Here are the Top 5 Plays of 2022 that we posted. #Thread

#1 Ball Screen Follow Ghost
Great play design from U of Miami head coach Katie Meier.

#2 Stack Out Give Go
Want a layup?
Stack out to a give and go action.

#3 Short Roll Hammer
One of my favorite plays of the NBA season.
Short roll to set up a hammer screen from Minnesota.

#4 Horns Back Pick Picker
Horns back screen to a pick the picker get action.

#5 Loop Behind Double Pin Interior vs. Zone
What an awesome quick hitter vs. a zone!
Get the ball inside the key with two top pin screens.

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