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Jews organizing toward Palestinian liberation and Judaism beyond Zionism

Jan 1, 2023, 11 tweets

In 2022, Palestinian popular resistance and global solidarity manifested like never before, despite the escalating violence and oppression of the Israeli government. 🧵

In a year where Palestinian cities were placed under siege and over 200 Palestinians were killed, we saw how Palestinians faced each new assault and global support flourished. As Zionism is articulated with more clarity, so does the enduring call for a liberated Palestine.

Palestinian flags were seen more than any other at the world cup in a huge blow to those who pushed for normalization with the Israeli government and deeply moving to witness.

Thousands of Palestinians held multiple general strikes in 2022. These displays of mass organized solidarity exemplified Palestinian steadfastness and dedication to defending their land and people.

2022 saw a wave of BDS wins. Ben & Jerry’s won their lawsuit against their parent company after refusing to sell their products in occupied Palestine. General Mills divested from a deal in an Israeli settlement.

Over 900 musicians including artists like Noname, Brian Eno, Patti Smith, and FKA Twigs signed the #MusiciansForPalestine pledge, promising not to play in Israel and always stand with Palestinians.

Hundreds of Amazon and Google workers took to the streets in 4 cities across the U.S. to demand No Tech for Apartheid — that their labor not be used to further harm and commit violence against Palestinians.

JVP disrupted ADL facilitated training exchanges between US police and Israeli military with our Deadly Exchange campaign. A leaked memo revealed the ADL paused these police exchanges after we made the programs too controversial to continue.

2022 welcomed the US’ first anti-Zionist synagogue, Tzedek Chicago. To step into “deeper solidarity,” with Palestinians the synagogue voted to become anti-Zionist.

Shatzi Weisberger, anti-Zionist Jewish lesbian and organizer died this November surrounded by community. A lifelong activist, she was a guiding light in our movement. The support Shatzi received before her death showed what’s possible when we build political family.

Amidst the terror we feel the collective hope for Palestinian freedom with each BDS win, each Palestinian flag waved, each voice against Zionism. As we enter 2023 we bring our collective power with us.

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