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Jan 1, 2023, 32 tweets

Chay loves Kim's smile. He adores it. It's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. Chay does everything possible to make Kim smile every day. He swears to protect that smile for the rest of eternity. He can watch Kim smile for hours upon hours.


Chay quite possibly might be addicted. But he can’t help himself; Kim's smile is like the first droplet after the year without rain. It's like the first ray of sunshine after a storm. It's like a tight hug after a bad day. It's like a genuine 'I'm sorry' after a fight.+

It's like the first I love you or the first kiss. It's like sweet candy after you've been craving it the entire day. It's like a fluffy blanket you wrap around yourself after a tiring day and fall asleep. It's like the love from the person that means the most to you.

Chay giggles, rolling over in Kim's bed. He is scrolling through his phone gallery, at this point, for hours. He can't stop looking at Kim's photos.

"So goddamn pretty!" Chay sighs, "how is he so...aghhhh," Chay screams into the pillow.


He abruptly sits up and locks his phone, "okay, Chay. Calm down! P'Kim's smile is pretty and what??? You can literally see it in real life every single day! Time to stop this obsession!"

Chay looks at his phone...his lockscreen literally isn't helping at all.


"So pretty," Chay pouts and then he shrugs, "well whatever...he is my boyfriend...I can look as much as I want to!"

He gets back into his phone gallery and lays back comfortably, scrolling through all Kim's photos.

Seeing Kim's smile makes Chay feel happy.


It makes him feel warm inside. It makes him feel giddy. It makes him want to scream into a pillow 24/7. It makes him want to grab Kim's face and cover it with kisses. It makes him hug the living hell out of Kim. It makes him want to melt into a puddle.


Chay is so in love that sometimes he thinks that it might be even unhealthy. But...he just loves when his p'Kim is happy. His p'Kim deserves to be happy. Every day, every hour, every second...and if he is not Chay isn’t either.


Happy p'Kim is for Chay the best gift of every day. Chay loves being happy with his p'Kim. When they smile at each other when they laugh together Chay falls a little more and a little bit harder every time.


On days when the storm comes and his p'Kim isn't happy for some reason Chay always does his best to push the storm away and let the smile shine brightly on Kim's gorgeous face.

Chay is proud to say that he is always successful. At times like that Chay can feel +

Kim's love in a kind of way that makes him feel lightheaded and his heart full of emotions. Chay is the only person who can make Kim smile even on dark days.

Every time Kim's face lights up with that magical smile again...it's the kind of feeling Chay can't even +

describe and he doesn’t even want to. It's Chay's precious secret that will forever stay only between his mind and his heart.

Chay smiles, scrolling to another photo, "I swear, picking new wallpaper is the worst thing ever! P'Kim should have some bad pics to make +

deciding at least a little bit easier!"

The sound of keys in the door spreads through the apartment.

Chay sits up again, throwing the phone somewhere behind himself. His p'Kim is back. Chay can't wait to see his favourite smile on his favourite person again.


Let's ignore all the hours he just spent scrolling through Kim's photos. It's not the same, okay?!

But Chay's excitement dies down the moment Kim walks in, throws his jacket on an armchair and wraps his arms around Chay's waist, laying his head on Chay’s lap.


"Can you hold me, baby?" Kim sighs, eyes closed, he is drinking in Chay's soothing scent of milk and honey.

Chay runs his fingers through Kim's hair, his heart feels heavy.
"What happened?" he whispers.

There's a moment of silence longer than Chay would like +

but before he can ask again, Kim speaks.

"I have to record the entire album again."

Chay's heart sinks, he knows how hard his p'Kim worked on it. How many nights he stayed up. How tired his voice was a lot of times.

Chay leans down and presses a soft kiss +

on Kim's forehead, "did something happen?"

Kim opens his eyes and takes Chay's hand into his, running his thumb over Chay’s knuckles, "there was some electrical issue in the studio, it burned all the electrical circuits and erased everything that we have already +

recorded." Kim groans,"I should have made multiple backups. It's not my first fucking album!"

Chay shakes his head, "mistakes happen. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault it's the fault of that stupid electricity, interfering with my p'Kim's hard work like that,"+

Chay frowns, "putting electricity on my blacklist!"

"You have a blacklist, baby?"

"Of course," Chay nods, "all my enemies are there. I'm gonna kill them off one by one."

Kim laughs, hugging Chay tightly, "god, you have no idea how much I love you, baby. Thank you."

There it is that feeling Chay can't and doesn't want to describe; his precious secret. He made his p'Kim smile again. And this time it was pretty fast.

"I will help you, p'Kim. You'll record it again and it's gonna sound even better!"

"You trust me that much?"


"I trust you with my life, p'Kim. And I love you so so so much, of course, I know you'll do amazing."

"There's nothing I love more than you, Chay," Kim presses a kiss on Chay's hand, "I don't know what I would do without you."


Chay leans down to Kim's lips and whispers, "you know what I love the most? Your smile."


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