I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

Jan 1, 2023, 5 tweets

Don’t #BOTHER trying to get it.

I’m A gift this world only chooses to destroy because that is all this world has known, HATE & destruction..

Anything that is love or pure, rejected.

It’s all been right in front of everyone your whole lives, I was needed too

Share my story & let everyone into my life in order for others to put it all together.
Who I am & all I have done in life that no one can take away from me, they used within everything so everyone would know ..
Throughout my whole life I’ve never opened myself up this way, ever

& I refuse to continue doing so just to be destroyed by the very ones crying out …

It’s good enough for 144 & that’s good enough for me.

The children are who matter the most, the children of the world & my own that need me to stay away from those only looking to bring

Me down & destroy me …

So either continue on entertaining all the garbage that does not matter or take your medicine & start helping save lives …

We’re at the end of the MATRIX RESURRECTIONS movie, the people try destroying Neo & Trinity because they’re caught up in the

Matrix/The Machine …

Some have broken free.

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