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• Trades & Invest • #Binance feed content creator • Road to financial freedom • GEM hunter💎 • #NFA • 🇨🇿 • IG: evcawolfcz

Jan 2, 2023, 8 tweets

As I announced yesterday, I joined @OneDex_X team as an ambassador.

They attracted me in many ways. In addition to having a great team with clear vision, they're building something that #MultiversX is missing⚒️


The motto is "Decentralized Exchange Made For Everybody".

#OneDex will be permissionless, the first fully decentralized #DEX built on #MultiversX, which means that every project can list their tokens on it with approval of @OneDex_X team❗️

There will be also running launchpad on OneDex! Again, fully permissionless. Builders will have the freedom to choose when to start, what currency to accept ( $EGLD or $USDC), and how many rounds of presale to have.


Currently @OneDex_X is in devnet mode and will open the #DEX for the early adopters for test phase.

Full #DEX launch on mainet in Q1/2023.

For me the most exciting phase will be in Q2/2023.

The seed sale and public sale of ONE token🔥

I really like the idea of the team "first deliver, then we can make the public sale"🙏🏻

ONE token will be utility token of OneDex.

If you stake ONE you will earn:

⚡️0.1% from the #DEX fee

⚡️1% from the tokens that will be launched on the launchpad

⚡️% from the founds raised on OneDex launchpad


The most of raised funds is going transparently into liquidity, rewards and future listings🔥

In the end, I can't forget to invite you to @OneDex_X telegram channel👇🏼


All socials👇🏼


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