Volodymyr Demchenko Profile picture
Ukrainian film director (currently Ukrainian soldier)

Jan 2, 2023, 5 tweets

“My friend, I have something to tell you. If I don't survive the next 3-4 days, I instruct you to convey to my Ola that it wasn’t for nothing and that wasn’t a mistake of our commanders. It's just that we have a difficult and heroic task and it will cost lives. (1)

Still there is no task that is worthy of Olha embraces. I will do everything possible and impossible to get out of there alive and get my platoon out of there,but the fight will be epic. We will beat all crap out of the 🇷🇺,so they will shit with blood and wouldn’t forget it (2)

Also tell Zacharia,but later after our victory,that I will always be with her because she has my legs, my nails and my sense of humor (and that's the best ;) (3)

For obvious reasons I can't write all this crap to Olya now. Sorry who put this responsibility on you, after all, you are a writer so you will get a new drama out of this” (4)

Viktor Onysko left this letter to his friend, and yesterday his wife published it on her Facebook. Victor was killed in action defending his family and country. He was my colleague - editing director- whom everyone knew and loved. Talented and bright. Forever in line. salute!

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