Chris Dancy 🌈🧠🧙🏼‍♂️🤖 Profile picture
📢 Google"Most Connected" 🤖MindfulCyborg 🧙🏼‍♂️TechnoPagan 🧠NeuroDivergent 🏳️‍🌈NonBinary 📍Values first, technology second. 🕹️GenX

Jan 3, 2023, 9 tweets

This is part of the same process where I take time to COLOR code and BOLD emails to people.

Folks seem SO overwhelmed with information I swear I spend 50% of my time, just making it clear.

A lot of this also helps me with my neurodiversity because I SEE information this way.

My brain races to TIMES, DAYS, ACTIONS.

It breaks down sentences into "INFO", "FILLER", "ACTION".

It's so hard for me to just read through emails that are all over the place without a clear CALL TO ACTION.

So when I create documents/emails they are Organized like my mind.

My entire 2018 book was in a guide before I wrote a single word.

My mind sees entire projects at once.

It's really hard and it makes it difficult for me to stay in sync with groups of people.

Sometimes I'll just prepare a timeline so people understand what is being done by who, when and why.

These timelines can also be used for family / emotional things.

Once I was having problems with in in-laws so I created a chart of how I saw our relationship.

Another time I had to see two doctors and finally create a chart for a third to understand and take my sickness seriously while in Europe.

When my husband was up for a promotion, I built him a chart to show HIM, HIS Career.

I had a friend that was super anxious about starting with a new therapist.

So in about 15 minutes I dropped the last 30 years of his life into a chart for his new doctor.

I just see things in this interconnected way over time.

It makes having relationships hard because I see the gaps before I see what is actually there.

I'm really trying in 2023 to accept my #neurodiversity and share my experiences.

I'm fortunate to be where I am now.

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