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Jan 5, 2023, 8 tweets

5 formula shortcuts all Excel users must know:

1. F4

One of the best ways to avoid errors when writing formulas is by locking reference cells. Instead of typing out the dollar sign in the cell reference, try the F4 shortcut. F4 quickly toggles through absolute/relative referencing.

2. Alt =

Do you feel like you spend too much time summing data in Excel? Try the Alt = shortcut instead. Alt = automatically sums data detected around the cell. Just select the cells that you want to add totals to, hit Alt =, and let Excel do the work for you!


Stop manually selecting cell ranges within your formulas. CTRL SHIFT F3 creates a named range named using the headers that can be referenced directly in formulas. Now, you can simply type the name of the column you want to reference in your formula!

4. CTRL [

Tracing a cell reference in Excel can seem never-ending, especially when the cell is linked to multiple external workbooks. Luckily, CTRL [ can help! CTRL [ jumps to direct cell references, even if it’s in an external workbook.

5. CTRL ~

When cranking out formulas in Excel, it can be hard to keep track of all the formulas within your spreadsheet. Instead of clicking on each cell to view the formula individually, try hitting CTRL ~. CTRL ~ toggles between showing cell formulas and values.

“Formulate” a better Excel process with these shortcuts!

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