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Crypto Trader | Researcher | Advisor @plumenetwork | Private Discord Community ➜ (Limited Spots)

Jan 6, 2023, 21 tweets

Going into 2023 I'm set to find promising altcoin for the next #BullRun 🚀

One interesting point is the fusion between #DAG and blockchain

That's why I decided to write a deep-dive thread on $AZERO 👇

1/20 🧵


What is this thread about? 🧵

$AZERO cutting-edge technology is a hybrid of blockchain and directed acyclic graph, #DAG ⛓️

It has a unique set of privacy smart contracts

Users can choose what data to share with the public while still maintaining their privacy 👁️


Here is what the thread covers:

1️⃣ What is @Aleph__Zero
2️⃣ #DAG
3️⃣ Privacy and Liminal
4️⃣ Use-cases
5️⃣ The Team

@Aleph__Zero 4/
1️⃣  What is @Aleph__Zero

$AZERO is a #POS L1 sovereign blockchain that makes use of #DAG and regular blockchain ⛓️

It also has unique privacy features and makes use of the Zk-snark technology

It has built a significant number of promising partnerships 🤝

@Aleph__Zero 5/

One thing to mention about $AZERO is that it builds on Substrate

Thanks to Rust being the coding language it can attract bright devs from the $DOT and the $SOL ecosystem too

@Aleph__Zero 6/

@Aleph__Zero has created a portable L2 native solution, #Liminal

Liminal is a privacy-focused multichain layer 👁️

It can be deployed outside of $AZERO, working as ammo to create strong partnerships with other L1s

@Aleph__Zero 7/

A quick $AZERO overview:

Price: $0,86
Market Cap: $180M
Circulating Supply: 200M $AZERO
Total Supply: 320M $AZERO
ATH: ~$3.05

@Aleph__Zero 8/

2️⃣ Direct Acyclic Graph (#DAG) 🕸️

A graphic view of blockchain and DAG

DAG - blocks can be interconnected, when applied to blockchain tech multiple validators can work at the same time 🕸️

Old blockchain tech - validators take place in the chain one after another ⛓️

@Aleph__Zero 9/

How is this good or useful? 🤔

Thanks to multiple actors working in parallel, a much higher speed, and scalability can be achieved

High number of transactions: up to 100k fps ⚡
Low fees: 0.0003 $AZERO on average 🤑

$IOTA and $FTM are other blockchains using #DAG tech

@Aleph__Zero 10/

#DAG brings $AZERO close to near-instant finality

Thanks to it being a #PoS chain anyone with enough $AZERO can be a validator

It's possible on mainnet too since December 2022 🗓️

Another great feature of Aleph Zero is the privacy feature 👇

@Aleph__Zero 11/

3️⃣ Privacy contracts and Liminal 👁️

$AZERO has a set of special smart contracts focused on privacy

Users can make transactions and choose what they want to show to the public 🛡️

This allows Aleph Zero's chain to remain public without sacrificing users' privacy

@Aleph__Zero 12/

And we can talk about Liminal now, the L2 that powers this privacy even more 🔐

Thanks to Zk-SNARK cryptography and Secure Multi-Party Computation (sMPC), Liminal is a native L2 from $AZERO

@Aleph__Zero 13/

It can be deployed on other chains outside of Aleph Zero

This of course creates great chances for partnerships

And it's something that the team doesn't let go to waste 👇

@Aleph__Zero 14/

$AZERO got featured on @CoinDesk and many influencing news outlets

Big exchanges like @HuobiGlobal and @kucoincom
Many wallets like @MetaMask and @subwalletapp

If you want a full ecosystem picture you can go to

@Aleph__Zero @CoinDesk @HuobiGlobal @kucoincom @MetaMask @subwalletapp 15/

4️⃣ Use-cases 🕹️

These are important to understand what markets can $AZERO conquer

There are many, those that I find more interesting are

▶️Automatic payments (like taxes or revenue sharing)

@Aleph__Zero @CoinDesk @HuobiGlobal @kucoincom @MetaMask @subwalletapp 16/

Supply chains have been one of the most successful industrial use of blockchain

It makes sense for #DAG-powered chains to tackle this market too

Automatic payments and revenues sharing are also extremely interesting with the current trends 👉 #RealYield🌽

@Aleph__Zero @CoinDesk @HuobiGlobal @kucoincom @MetaMask @subwalletapp 17/

5️⃣ The Team 🛠️

If you ever want to know more about the founders, advisors, backers, team members, etc...

There's the complete list at

A quick Bio for each one of them is available and there's also a list of the bigger investors

@Aleph__Zero @CoinDesk @HuobiGlobal @kucoincom @MetaMask @subwalletapp 18/

Thanks to its successes, @Aleph__Zero could start different ambassador programs

This allowed the project to expand its community and incubate new promising start-ups

@cardinal_hq was proclaimed start-up of the year Krakow Technological Park 🏆

@Aleph__Zero @CoinDesk @HuobiGlobal @kucoincom @MetaMask @subwalletapp @cardinal_hq 19/

Lastly, if you want to take a look at the 2022 recap of $AZERO achievements and journey 👇

That's almost all of $AZERO history ⌛

Being early, you can get up to speed about everything that's happened so far

@Aleph__Zero @CoinDesk @HuobiGlobal @kucoincom @MetaMask @subwalletapp @cardinal_hq That's it for this thread, thanks for tuning in🧵

Follow my account @MoonKing___ to stay updated 🕵️‍♂️ 

If you want to support me drop a like and a RT on the 1st tweet of the thread 💪

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