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Author Raising awareness is our only hope.

Jan 7, 2023, 7 tweets

Some of the USA's ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONs diabolical experiments
1.) 1949: #OperationGreenRun released radioactive iron and xenon-133 into the atmosphere in Washington, which contaminated a 500,000-acre area containing three small towns.

2.) ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONs diabolical experiments:
1953: Multiple secret human experiments involving feeding radioactive iron to pregnant mothers and infants to study the blood-brain-barrier

3.) ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONs diabolical experiments:
1955-1957: Fed radioactive materials to Native Americans for two years straight

4.) ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONs diabolical experiments:
1960: Over 100 Alaskan citizens were continually exposed to radioactive iodine.

5.) ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONs diabolical experiments
1967: Again, released aerosolized radioactive materials to see the health effects of them

6.) ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSIONs diabolical experiments
Also 1967: Fed milk contaminated with radioactive materials to people

7) 1950-1957: Records show Du Pont had a contract with the ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, who was actively running evil human experiments and releasing radioactive materials via #chemtrails…

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