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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Jan 9, 2023, 12 tweets

Dear BJP Supporter,
I know many of you are making fun of #BharatJodoYatra & mocking #RahulGandhi. Do I think your views are misplaced? Yes. Do I blame you for it? No! But with a rider. You’re blameless as long as you’re believing in stories that Amish or Arnab feed you 1/n

Afterall, you believe what you’re told & told repeatedly by ‘NEWS’ channels. You’re blameless out of ignorance. Remember, however, ignorance is not bliss.
I know this post will not change your heart. But I don’t want you to support Rahul Gandhi or Congress. 2/n

I want you to THINK. ASK. QUESTION the media for its non-stop attack on the opposition & dutiful defence of the govt. Don’t you think there is something wrong in always being pro-govt & anti-opposition? Don’t you think media has a responsibility to ask tough questions to govt 3/n

on non-deliveries of promises? Is it not the job of the fearless media to raise a red flag when there are protests or undue use of brute govt power to suppress people’s voice? Do you think media is justified in calling out your own fellow citizens anti-nationals? 4/n

To those growing up in ‘80s-90s India, did you grow up hating Nehru or Gandhi? Were you resentful towards the Muslims? What about your elders, men & women who lived & were born in the age of freedom fighters? Did they not idolize national icons? 5/n

Then why have you grown up believing in hateful stories on news channels, ‘experts’ with malice? Your elders trusted Gandhi enough to bravely go to jail at his call. Even those opposed, respected him. Vajpayee, the towering BJP leader held Pt. Nehru in the highest regards. 6/n

Yet, you curse them today because you ‘heard it on news’. You source info from WA to make fun of Rahul Gandhi, go Modi Modi & Yogi Yogi. Was being anti-Gandhi or anti-Nehru ever anti-national? You blame Cong of not giving due to Bhagat Singh & Patel & Bose & Shastri. 7/n

Have your ancestors ever felt or been told in India that any of these stalwarts were anti-nationals? Did any cong govt vilify Shankracharya, Swami Vivekanand? The empathetic answer is a NO! Mind you in the age of no internet, whatever the govt wanted you to believe, 8/n

you would have blinked & nodded. Go, visit N.Korea, select leaders there are taming crocodiles by their little finger.
Nehru, Patel, Indira, LBS, Vajpayee, Rajiv, were all elected by your elders. Were they perfect? No. They made mistakes, just like every leader in history has9/n

Be forgiving. Your elders voted for them over the RW, respect their intelligence. Do not drown your reasoning in the pond of hate & lies that are the only ‘fact & information’ that come your way
You’ll have reasons to criticize Congress & Rahul Gandhi and to support BJP still10/n

But the day you clear the fogs of disinformation & noises, you’ll be much wiser in your criticism or support. The Congress under Rahul Gandhi is leading a defiant walk across the length of India. People like Malviya are out like hounds trying to defame it with the most vulgar11/n

& non-sensical of reasons. Why not find your own ‘truth’ by following independent news like Newslaundry or checking the unedited videos available on INC handles? Then judge for yourself. Do not let news which is blatantly one-sided misguide your reality. 12/12

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