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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Jan 10, 2023, 10 tweets

It's said that BJP is always in election mode. Very True. Electoral defeats don't deter them. True that too. It's impossible to beat them. As of now, appears daunting. Yet, here they are, scared. Attacking #RahulGandhi, looking under his t-shirt, spying who he has lunch with 1/n

Its IT Cell head has gone on an edit-err-cheap frenzy of pushing out edited videos of Rahul’s press meets. It’s a Shake before you Break.
Let me tell you why. Rahul Gandhi has managed to get the rat out of the hole. Because the BJP is so brilliant at fighting elections, 2/n

they seem surprised in a no-fight, only-love scenario. #BharatJodoYatra is a non-electoral yet political weapon of peace. BJP doesn’t understand this. They’ve a mechanism driven by data, analytics, social listening tools, campaign blitzkrieg that work to deliver electoral wins3/n

All good, all short-term. So, when faced with a long-haul ideological struggle such as the #BharatJodoYatra, this mechanism fails in its understanding, its calculations. It happened prior with the farmers’ protests; it was tested at anti-CAA protests. With #BharatJodoYatra, 4/n

Cong has set a political tone with a long-term prospect. This is unlike the IAC protests which while immensely impactful also saw its star components bitterly part ways amidst individual ambitions. BJY, aims to bring the elements together. The BJP believes in grand spectacles 5/n

Whether it was the air-strikes or the India’s G-20 chairperson elevation, one man dominated the hoardings & TV screens. Even his visit to a temple or the occasion of his mother’s demise got transformed into a glorification drive for the PM. But BJY has the BJP unable to 6/n

digest the people connect & honest interactions that its own over the top spectacles lack.
The BJP destroyed Rahul Gandhi’s image in the most vitriolic personal attack ever seen. From mocking his intelligence to calling him an anti-national conspirator, it was a ruthless 7/n

character assassination. & when the dust settled, to its shock, Rahul Gandhi emerged. BJP fears all its guns have been wasted on the Man of Steel. The BJP fears him because if Rahul Gandhi can withstand that kind of attack, there is no way can the BJP vanquish him & his party8/n

In the battle between brute & grit, grit will triumph.
When you a lie, a ‘000 times, it becomes a believable ‘fact’. A lie, nevertheless, can never be a truth. But when the lies become a pollutant in the air, it begins to burn the eyes of the most devout of the intoxicated. 9/n

& the truth, it's like light, always there. Against #BharatJodoYatra, BJP faces not a behemoth, it faces humanity holding hands in fearless defiance of authority. It is still a small river, but will eventually wash away all the hate BJP has managed to sow in the last decade10/10

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