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UFO historian/archivist , 30+yrs (10yr FT) studying the phenomena. Interest: Geology, Arch/Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology

Jan 11, 2023, 8 tweets

#ufotwitter #ufohistory
Today in UFO History - Washington National Redux, Again
January 11, 1965 — Washington DC
1/4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps communications system specialists, at the Munitions Building at Nineteenth Street and Constitution

2/Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., observe 12–15 white oval objects maneuvering erratically at 12,000–15,000 feet altitude above the US Capitol Building. Two delta-wing jets, apparently from Andrews AFB in Maryland, are seen in pursuit, but the objects easily outmaneuver them.

3/Among the witnesses are Paul M. Dickey Jr., Edward Shad, Sam Webb, Jack McBride, and Sam Marrone. The objects are also tracked on radar. The Defense Department denies the incident, but the witnesses publicly maintain their story. The Pentagon forces a TV crew about to interview

4/ the witnesses to shut down that evening. [Eberhart]
Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, pp. 67–68;
Hall, Richard H. The UFO Evidence. Vol. 2. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2001: 76,79;

Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 (July 1965): 47–48;

Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 (July 1965): 47–48; [Cont.]

Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 (July 1965): 47–48; [Cont..]

NICAP, “Over a Dozen Ovals Chased by AF Jets”;…

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