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Jan 13, 2023, 8 tweets

Could @GMX_IO collapse in a bull market?

In this 🧵👇we will walk you through:
how an imbalance between longs/shorts in a bull market will reduce GLP returns, decrease GLP AUM and liquidity, and trigger a death spiral.

In a bull market, GMX shorts not only do not receive funding fees but also have to pay borrowing fees.

As a result, GMX will be 95%+ long in a bull, as evidenced by OI between 2021-9-1 and 2021-11-10.

GLP was losing money to traders during that period as well.

Traders made a profit of ~$5 million.

We calculated GLP adjusted returns by subtracting (or adding) trader PnL to fees.

GLP's adjusted APR was lower during the bull because traders were winning and higher during the bear because traders were losing.

GLP adjusted APR averaged ~50%.

The sharp decreases in GLP were triggered by events rather than fluctuations in APR, resulting in a positive flywheel that stabilized GLP supply.

Market-wide crypto FUD ➡️ more GLP redeem & more traders & high fees ➡️ high GLP APR ➡️ more GLP mint

7/ Conclusion

The so-called GMX bull market death spiral is not valid.

GLP prints money even if all traders are long and winning in a bull market. GLP-based vaults now also hedge these risks, such as
@rage_trade, @GMDprotocol, etc.

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The author: @quantumzebra123

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