"As director of MAPS, Rick Doblin has given comment on the publicised allegations of sexual assault by MAPS-employed therapists engaging in a clinical trial trialling psychedelic MDMA as therapy for survivors of sexual assault."
The cameras are trained on a single bed in what looks to be a basement. There's a clock, a box of tissues and armchairs on either side of the bed.
WARNING: This story contains content that may disturb some readers.
"To this day, the woman at the centre, participant Meaghan Buisson, still hasn't watched the videos.
When the police handed them over to her, she says the investigating officer advised her to never watch them, for her own wellbeing..
"Ms Buisson was seeking treatment for complex PTSD after surviving sexual assault.
She was told the therapy, which was part of a phase-2 clinical trial by the American Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), could cure her...
Now she wants to warn others about what happened to her.
"To posit complex emotion as something that can simply be excised by a pill … a drug like MDMA, that may have healing properties, but it can also be intensely traumatic," she says.
"It can actually make things worse."
Ms Buisson's therapists were Canadian psychiatrist Donna Dryer and her husband, Richard Yensen, an unlicensed therapist.
After the clinical trial, Ms Buisson says she felt even worse than before and was left with little support.
In the months after the trial finished, Ms Buisson moved to the remote Canadian island of Cortes, where Dr Dryer and Yensen lived, for further treatment.
"It was in that period that Richard Yensen began making sexual advances on Meaghan, which he told her were exposure therapy..
Ms Buisson says the abuse by Mr Yensen escalated. She was given the drug Ketamine during therapy sessions and says Mr Yensen often demanded sex.
"The first clinician I really spoke to after I escaped from Cortes summarised my experiences … as being seduced, drugged, raped,
blamed and held as a sex slave for nearly two years," she says.
Rick Doblin ,the director of MAPS,says the sessions are videotaped for training purposes and to make sure therapists are adhering to the treatment method.
In Ms Buisson's case, MAPS has given conflicting responses about what exactly was reviewed by the organisation at the time.
Ms Buisson made a complaint to the governing body for psychiatrists in British Columbia in 2018 and formally complained to MAPS that same year.
Four years later, Mr Doblin says MAPS still has not reviewed all the videos of the therapy she received.
In 2019, Ms Buisson filed a sex assault complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The RCMP recommended criminal charges, but the Crown Prosecutor chose not to pursue the matter. Mr Doblin says MAPS has since fired Mr Yensen and Dr Dryer, and implemented procedures
to stop this kind of abuse in future.
A group of participants and academics that includes Ms Buisson, Dr Ross and Mr Nickles made a formal complaint to Health Canada, which is now investigating all MDMA trials in the country.
Health Canada has already shut down one of two MDMA clinical trials running in the country due to concerns for participant safety, including lack of oversight by medical professionals, as well as administrative violations.
Mr Nickles says it is critical that abuse within psychedelic contexts is openly discussed as the drugs head towards greater accessibility.
"I think it's really a testament to the power of these drugs in the hands of predatory people, & within a system and a framework in which
there's no oversight and accountability, just how frequently these abuses and transgressions occur," Mr Nickles says.
"Dr. Donna Dryer is a transpersonal psychiatrist ..and a faculty member in psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. With Dr. Richard Yensen, she had received permission for LSD psychotherapy research protocols with addicts and people dying from cancer from the
US Food and Drug Administration in 1991. They have been giving an “entheogenically–informed” workshop, The Heart of the Shaman, since 1986 at Hollyhock Retreat Centre, Cortes Island...
Richard Yensen Pérez-Venero, PhD, has been a pioneer in transpersonal psychology and psychedelic research since 1972
He trained at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center ..Richard has taught at Harvard & University of Maryland medical schools,
Johns Hopkins and Union Graduate School.
As part of his own journey, he received direct experiential knowledge of the mushroom lineage from Mazatec curandera Maria Sabina
CIA sponsored Robert Gordon Wasson also met with Maria Sabina .. The Wasson family seems to be another 🐇🕳️
Richard Yensen Pérez-Venero and Donna Dryer Perez-Venero are co-founders of the Orenda Institute, which seeks to integrate shamanism into modern healing practices.
Richard Yensen at the Open Foundation
"Ketamine ● Psychedelic Experiential Pharmacology: Pioneering Clinical Explorations with Salvador Roquet"
Richard Yensen - President of the Salvador Roquet Psychosynthesis Association
" Pioneering Clinical Explorations with Salvador Roquet (How I Came to All of This: Ketamine, Admixtures and Adjuvants, Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda Too): An Interview with Richard Yensen"
"Our team at Maryland Psychiatric Research
Center (MPRC) studied the subjective effects of MDA
by administering the drug, in our carefully prepared
psychedelic treatment suites using the techniques we
had perfected for safely conducting LSD sessions. At
that time, the MPRC
was the last federal and state government funded research group doing clinical studies of the efficacy of psychedelic drugs in psychotherapy" - Yensen
" Roquet was a man humble and open enough to ask
native people how they viewed and used their sacred
plants. ..He took what he learned from native healers and combined it with his training as a Western psychoanalyst in the tradition of Eric Fromm."
- Richard Yensen
Erich Fromm?
Michael Maccoby who studied with Erich Fromm coached leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) in Mexico founded by Fr. William B. Wasson
No idea (yet) if Fr. Wasson was related to CIA funded Robert Gordon Wasson
Of course the Maccoby family were good friends of humble pizza man James Alefantis of #Pizzagate fame
And coincidentally, the NPH franchise has a branch in Haiti.. they were involved with the Clinton-Silsby drama when Laura Silsby tried to take out a bunch of children and was jailed for trafficking..
33 children , I think it was
Anyway , back to Yensen:
"Roquet was freely combining naturalistic research and experimentation in consultation with shamanic practitioners with his unrestricted psychotherapy practice. He told us he had a blanket permission to use psychedelics that had been issued through ..
his political connections with the attorney
general’s office of the federal government of Mexico..
Dr. Roquet practiced a kind of group therapy
he called psychosynthesis , in groups that ranged from ten to twenty-eight patients.
It was his claim that through this process he synthesized what most analysts would analyze. He envisioned his therapy as a round-trip out of normal consciousness into the world of the madman and the mystic and then back to normal.
He used a plant delirogen in this approach to produce toxic psychoses in the course of a multi-session, psychedelic, transpersonally oriented, therapy. He viewed mystical experiences as the sine qua non of successful treatment in this sensory overload setting"
"Psychosynthesis sessions took place at night,
mirroring shamanic practice in Mexico. Before the
psychoactive session itself, the participants met in a large room for a leaderless group discussion. ..
"The pre-drug meeting lasted about two hours.
The group then entered the treatment environment,
a large room decorated with an array of paintings and
posters selected for their evocative quality..."
"Toward the rear of the room there was a large table with a variety of audiovisual equipment. In the main part of the room, mattresses were arranged along each wall. The central part of the room was kept clear so that patients could walk freely if they wished.
As soon as all the patients entered the room and settled into their spots, the sensory overload would
begin. The overload used slides, movies, two stereo
sound systems, and colored floodlights that could be flashed intermittently
".. Within what seemed a confusing barrage of unrelated images and sounds, there would be a main theme. Among the themes Roquet found useful were: death, birth, sexuality, religion, and childhood.."
Kinda reminds me of this👇
Oops, that's another reference to the #HampsteadCase
I digress..
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