Megan Fox Profile picture
Medium smart award-winning, alt-right Oprah

Jan 14, 2023, 9 tweets

I swear to God @NFL I will make it my full-time job to just comment on your stupid footage every week even though I know nothing about football. They rejected fair use. And it is fair use. #CopyrightCucks They didn't strike my Hamlin coverage.

Who wants to sue the @NFL for rejecting fair use on a 10 second clip I commented on? @RekietaLaw find me someone! lol

It may be stupid commentary but it is commentary and that's fair use! I know nothing about football except that I am a fan of tight pants. I have transformed this into MY CONTENT. And the @NFL has no right to take away my ability to make money on a 4 hour stream for :60 clip

I may start a Medium-Low Smart @NFL commentary channel on YT just to make them send more copyright nonsense.

Fair use is fair use. The @NFL needs to obey copyright laws. This is not an infringement. The fact they can bully creators like this is gross. They don't make enough billions, they need the $1.84 from my livestream too. I hope they choke.

Based on the @RekietaLaw model, this is what I came up with as an appeal response. How'd I do? had one final question. The @NFL has 7 days to respond. "Is there anything else you want the copyright holder to know?"

I think I have next week's Monday morning @NFL "Copyright THIS" segment all planned.

All ready for Monday! There's a certain groomer teacher in Chicago who will love this logo.

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