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West Coast United Against Fascism 🤝 🏴 🚩 Militant Queer | Lavender Angels | Antifa lavenderangels@|riseup.|net

Jan 15, 2023, 8 tweets

Queer militancy has never been an option, but forced upon our communities as a result of oppositional social & institutional forces which have organized to see us dead.

As such, we are required to perfect our militancy and train with each other in our fight for #QueerLiberation.

We must be meeting, training & practicing continually & proactively to defend against the fascist menace. If they are dangerous, we are required to be more so. If they are equipped, we must be more so.

You are in this fight, and where you are, we fight with you.

When you fight together, eat together, love together and learn together, you can become a revolutionary force inside your community that’s very presence halts the fascist advance and inspires others.

CC: @redpinecda

When you become a formation, you are capable of more together than anything alone. Your formation can work in tandem with other teams towards unified goals and multiply our capabilities to disrupt & remove the fascist threat.

CC: @ctjbgc @baystatejbgc @rijbgc @gmjbgc

While we fight for our liberation, they fight for the right to hurt us, hunt us and kill us. When we become well organized, principled and equip, this puts their capability to oppress us in danger.

Good. They should fear oppressing us.

CC: @elmforkJBGC

Team work, unity and skill on the floor changes the tides of battle in many little ways which maps the course of battles. You can unite to eject the fascist threat, and you should!

We are the most dangerous, together.

CC: @AntifaOttawa

They will lie about you and demonize you. You will live rent-free in their minds. The fascist machine will make you the caricature of their fears.

You must fight anyways. Your very existence serves as deterrents and repercussions for their terror.

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