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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Jan 15, 2023, 14 tweets

Criticism of #BharatJodoYatra does not make you anti-national. That shit is only reserved for Modi baiters. Questioning the BJY makes you a concerned citizen. After all, in a democracy, political parties are answerable to the public. 1/n

Criticism is your right. Making the criticism informed is your duty.
In a land where law upholds freedom of expression, information reaches you via news media. This information should be unbiased, factual & representative. While new orgs can suffer from ideological bias, 2/n

there can never be a spread of misinformation with vile intent. While journalists can have individual opinions, they should not veil the lies. Yet, in the media space post-2014, information has not just become one-sided, it has slipped into a hate & misinformation driven 3/n

propaganda against the opposition
It is in this loud noise of malignant reporting that you're getting all your ‘information’ about BJY. Anyone who joins the yatra is quickly dishonored. The yatra has been termed at various moments either as a Rahul Gandhi rebranding exercise 4/n

or as a massive collaboration of anti-nationals. Therefore, had your criticism of BJY been based upon information, it would have been justified. However, it is not. BJY is now in its last leg, it may not even be possible for you to join it. It's a responsibility of the leader5/n

to reach out to the people, there are times history when people must listen to what the leader has to say. With BJY, there is great merit in knowing about its promise & message. These have never reached you due to the twisted narratives of the news studios that were driven to 6/n

demonise it. But you can still know about BJY. It has its SM handles, it has generated a rich media of speeches & press meets which is all available online. It has a website that clearly states its purpose, and states it without drowning it in excessive data & ‘information’. 7/n

There is merit in knowing about BJY because it is of great concern to you.
I’m listing some along with ss & site link. BJY is not a Rahul Gandhi re-branding exercise. It is a much smarter genius than that. Limiting it to only Rahul Gandhi also pits Rahul against entire BJP, 8/n

its IT & propaganda cell and the entire gamut of news media. This includes Narendra Modi. By assigning Rahul Gandhi as the defining face of BJY, BJP has played into Congress’ hand in its misplaced arrogance. Why is BJY of concern to you? BJY talks of communal harmony. tch tch!9/n

That’s the urban naxal, sickular, libtard talk of the tukde-tukde gang. Yeah, doesn’t make sense. But what about fuel price rise? Unemployment? Job loss? Price rise? All that sins of that dirty nexus of NEHRU-UPA-Covid or simply some pains for a glorious future? That is what 10/n

you’ve been told in the studios repeatedly. & you believe in them. But do they not matter to you? & if they do, should they not matter to the govt? & if does to both of you, should not the news channels be taking them up? Someone should. Someone must! Ans is #BharatJodoYatra 11/n

Just that you do not know it, yet.
Do not VOTE for the Congress. You’ve your religion & nationalism to uphold. But do not oppose #BharatJodoYatra. At least not in full. Because the matters of daily importance, of economic well-being are as much a part of its discourse as is 12/n

communal harmony & secular promise. Do not vote for the Congress but ensure you join the chorus of Q's that can outlast the cacophony of slur that the news channels are throwing against it. Because only when the govt realizes that Roti-Kapda-Makan-Dukan-Iman-Insan, 13/n

are as imp as nationalism & religion, will they work to ensure your welfare. & if they do, the mission of BJY will be achieved. Website Link: bharatjodoyatra.in 14/14

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