Sulaiman Ahmed Profile picture
Journalist, Geo-Politics, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics, LLB Law

Jan 16, 2023, 18 tweets

Greta, Tate, Racism & Cancelled

I posted a thread about the racial trope used by Greta against Andrew Tate. I also published an article, after being approached by a leading black newspaper.

Liberal ‘Matrix’ sent an army appropriated by them to attack and cancel me

#FreeTopG /1

The cancellation worked as my article was removed after receiving around a million views across many threads & platforms. In other articles this paper only received hundreds of views.

Let’s look at the deep racism/Islamophobia propagated by ‘the Matrix’ if you resist. /2

Andrew Tate is the son of Emory, an African American chess grandmaster. Tate openly speaks about the respect/admiration he has for his father.

I attach pictures of Emory’s black parents for the agents of ‘The Matrix’ who wish to ex-communicate him from the black community. /3

In order to appease the Liberal ‘Matrix’ attack, the editor of the newspaper, in a now deleted tweet, claimed that Andrew Tate has never said he was black or mixed race.

This is inaccurate as the following examples show /4…

As I said in my article when the Liberal ‘Matrix’ attacks they use people from the communities that they have appropriated, to attack people from that very community

I wrote about race so they sent black people to attack. If I'd spoken about Islam it would have been Muslims. /5

If the ‘Matrix’ likes someone then people such as Obama, Zendaya and Meghan are black. If they don’t like them, i.e. Andrew Tate, they aren't black. So they have Carte Blanche to attack him

Based on their premise, the US has still not had an African American President. /6

Based on their promotion of Greta’s racist post about Tate, is it okay for a Swedish man like Dolph Lungren to say 'Meghan has a narrow behind’ for a 'black girl' because she don't 'look black'. One hopes not.

Are Harry’s kids no longer mixed-race?… /7

Such is their racism they convinced black liberals of the ‘reverse one drop rule’

So many posts saying he’s quadroon, he’s 50%, he’s mixed race so he isn’t black. They are saying if you have a drop of non black blood you can be ex-communicated if they don’t like you /8

Their point is that if a black person has children with a non-black person their children are expelled from the black community if they do not comply with liberal values and ideals.

Here is a genome study that allows them to ex-communicate anyone:… /9

Some said: Blackness is determined by your shade. It’s a ridiculous notion used to ex-communicate those that Liberals don’t like. Here is a picture of the Tates.

So Tate’s sister is darker, a liberal and supports BLM. She’s black, but her brothers are not. Liberal 'logic' /10

They decide who's black, and who should be expelled if they don't follow their dogma. E.g. Samuel L Jackson, calling Justice Clarence Thomas an ‘Uncle Tom’, even though Justice Thomas represents the beliefs of many or possibly the majority of African Americans on abortion. /11

They convinced black people that ‘blackness’ is only confirmed by pledging allegiance to liberalism/Democrats.

E.g. Biden telling black people “You Ain’t Black” if you vote for Trump. A powerful white man decides who's black people and who's not. /12

When the Matrix attacked they forget about Islamophobia and racism and I was subjected to vile attacks.

Even the editor in his apology texts tried to appease them by saying this is the first time in 4 years they had an Asian write an article. /13

So a Brown Muslim working class guy says the son of a black man, who self identifies as black, is black equals cancellation.

So according to them whether or not a person can speak on black issues is determined by their skin colour. They should read John Brown... /14

John Brown was a White Christian who fought against slavery. He vocally opposed the plantations. He sacrificed even his own children by taking on US gov for black people's freedom. He was a catalyst for the end of slavery.

But these guys probably be like but ‘he ain’t black’ /15

The ‘Matrix’ sent their Liberal army and used ‘black avatars’ to attack.

They used racist and Islamophobic slurs.

Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali would be turning in their graves.

Does someone want to tell them that they were Muslims too? /16

In my view, this is a new form of ‘Uncle Tom’.

In the past, conservatives persecuted black icons, eg Muhammad Ali, if they took issue with their beliefs. Similarly, it is now compulsory for black celebrities to kowtow to liberal polices or they will get 'cancelled'. /17

I implore the Black & Asian community, as well as Muslims and Christians to maintain control of their identity and to not allow it to be appropriated - neither by Liberals nor Conservatives. /18

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