Sulaiman Ahmed Profile picture
Journalist, Geo-Politics, All Things Crypto, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics, LLB Law
11 subscribers
Feb 12 6 tweets 1 min read
JUST IN: Hamas Official Statement in response to Trump's desire to take over Gaza:

"We reiterate our rejection of the statements of US President "Donald Trump" regarding the displacement of our people from the Gaza Strip under the pretext of reconstruction. 1/ Image Trump's statements are racist and a call for ethnic cleansing, with the aim of liquidating the Palestinian cause and denying the established national rights of our people. 2/
Feb 9 9 tweets 2 min read


"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia appreciates the condemnation, disapproval, and total rejection announced by the brotherly countries towards what Benjamin Netanyahu 1/ Image
stated regarding the displacement of the Palestinian people from their land and the Kingdom values the positions that emphasize the centrality of the Palestinian issue to the Arab and Muslim countries.

In this context, the Kingdom stresses its categorical rejection.. 2/
Jan 26 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Hamas statement in response to Trump calling on Egypt & Jordan:

"In response to the statements made by U.S. President Trump and his call to transfer Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt and Jordan, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) affirms the following: 1/ Image The Palestinian people, who have stood steadfast in the face of the most heinous acts of genocide in modern times—carried out by the fascist Zionist occupation army—have refused to surrender to the crimes of forced displacement, particularly in the northern Gaza Strip. 2/
Jan 16 8 tweets 2 min read

The Zionist/Right hate data & rely on inciting hatred based on isolated incidences.

They use emotional arguments rather than facts. Let’s look at the evidence. /1 Image There are 500,000 cases of sexual abuse of children in the UK every year – 90% of these are by white people.

In Child Sex Abuse, Asians are underrepresented in ALL categories. But white people are overrepresented in 8.

Social Media & MSM will have you believe the opposite. /2
Dec 24, 2024 24 tweets 21 min read

Zionists have long promoted figures like Dilly Hussain. The reason is simple: either he's a useful tool or a useful fool and idiot. For years, they’ve manipulated people through the media into believing that there is a Muslim takeover of Europe and the UK. Enter individuals like Dilly Hussein, who propagate the same narrative. They propagate ideas that make it seem as though Muslims want to impose Sharia law in the UK, using videos or social media comments to insist that a Muslim takeover is imminent.

This narrative is driven solely by Zionists, and Dilly's Salafist Dawah group helps to further their agenda.

In reality, over the past two years, we've shown that this is not the case. In fact, the Muslim population in the UK has only increased by 1.6% in the last decade. Meanwhile, Christianity has declined by 13.1%, and Atheism has risen by 12%.

Moreover, the majority of immigration into the UK comes from India and China, which are not Muslim-majority countries.

Yet, Zionist media— and idiots like Dilly Hussain— have long perpetuated the false claim of a Muslim takeover of the UK or Muslims' desire to establish Sharia law in the West. This has endangered the safety of many Muslims across the UK.

Apart from Dilly Hussain’s fringe group of Hizb ut-Tahrir/Salafists, there is no widespread desire among UK Muslims to take over the country.

In fact, this Zionist propaganda has shielded the Zionist control of the UK, allowing them to dominate without any resistance.

This thread, which took only a quick search to compile, will demonstrate Dilly’s idiocracy, extremism, sectarianism, and hypocrisy. He’s merely an example of the Dawah brothers, a group that has propagated the same talking points as the Zionists for decades. /1 Compare the posts of Salafist Extremist Dilly Hussain and ex-Muslim Islamophobe Imtiaz Mahmood, and you'll notice that their ideologies and perspectives are strikingly similar. Both work to demonize Muslims in the UK, with both even suggesting there is a "Muslim takeover."

Now, don’t get me wrong—figures like Dilly, with their extreme HT/Salafist ideology, may never openly admit it, but this is precisely what they want. However, fools like Dilly represent a fringe group and do not speak for the broader Muslim community.

For example, Dilly Hussain’s posts frequently talk about the "Muslim takeover" of the UK. He implies that this is happening due to factors like birth rates, migration, and conversion. In one of his images, he even advocates for Muslim rule to take over France. Such extremist views have no place in mainstream Islam. The two foundational principles of Salafism/HT are anthropomorphism and extremism, which I’ll elaborate on later in this thread.

In reality, this narrative is nothing more than fake news. The majority of migration to the UK comes from non-Muslim countries. The rise in migration from Non-Muslim is likely fueled by the false claims propagated by idiots like Dilly Hussain and his Dawah Bros about Muslim migration. Furthermore, the latest birth rate stats need to be verified as Zionist Lobbies and NGOs perpetuate old data to fit their narrative of a Muslim takeover.

Dilly and the Dawah bros are a Zionist wet dream as they do the work for them.

Despite what Zionists and these extremists tell you, in reality there isn’t a Muslim takeover of Britain. The Zionist already conquered and controlled the UK.

Ignore Dilly’s rants, he’s a stupid child serving the Zionist agenda. /2Image
Jul 8, 2024 11 tweets 9 min read

@MiddleEastEye collaborated with Zionists and promoted Zionist propaganda to write a hit-piece against me and other influencers who have spoken out against the Israeli actions in Gaza.

Their writer, a woke liberal, does not represent Muslims yet criticizes them for holding traditional Muslim values.

This is another example of Zionists and the progressive left attempting to appropriate and control Muslim beliefs to further their own agenda.

What’s interesting is that they DID NOT approach me for a comment. This is likely because they knew that their propaganda would be exposed.

Let's examine the evidence. /1Image The woke leftist @alexjaymac and MEE either contradicts himself or is attempting to manipulate the audience. At one point in the article, he says:

"Like the other accounts, only some of Ahmed's content focused on Israel-Palestine prior to October."

But then he says:

"However, before 7 October, there appears to be no mention of 'Palestinian,' 'Gaza,' or 'Israel' in his feed."

Here are some of my posts from before October 7. /2Image
Feb 23, 2024 40 tweets 26 min read

The Zionist lobby has demonstrated its power and control over the UK Government and Opposition. The fact that a motion proposed by the Scottish National Party (SNP) favoring Palestine was subverted for Keir Starmer, the Labour Party, and Israel has exposed the extent of foreign influence on the UK government.

When exposed, the response was to resort to the age-old racist/Islamophobic trope: 'Blame Muslims'.

Th claim of "Securtiy threats" against members of the house has zero basis or evidence, but they don’t care about that; their sole aim was to ensure a vote on SNP motion was diverted by any means necessary, albeit to incite a mob to attack Muslims. These tactics were used to demonize Muslims for more than a decade, but no more; their propaganda will be exposed.

The chaos in the House of Commons was orchestrated entirely to appease their Zionist masters, as was the subsequent blaming of Muslims.

The objective is to vilify Muslims and criminalize protests.

We will break down what happened, which politicians acted in favor of a foreign nation, in this case, Israel, and the reasons why.

Let’s look at the evidence. /1Image The SNP tabled a motion which included condemning Israel's war crimes. This motion was groundbreaking. A Western nation complicit in Israeli war crimes was not only going to call for an immediate ceasefire but also expose Israel's war crime of 'Collective Punishment.'

Relevant and compelling statements in the motion were as follows:

“That this House calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Israel.”

“Death toll has now risen beyond 28,000, the vast majority of whom were women and children”

“And an end to the collective punishment of the Palestinian people; and recognises that the only way to stop the slaughter of innocent civilians is to press for a ceasefire now.” /2Image
Feb 15, 2024 5 tweets 11 min read

“- For the nineteenth week in a row, the barbaric Israeli aggression against Gaza continues, committing the most heinous and horrific crimes.

The enemy is creative in committing heinous crimes in Gaza, and the forces of evil support him with the most deadly and modern means of destruction and killing.

- The destructive bombs and missiles provided to the Zionist enemy are the latest in technology from America, Britain and some Western countries

- High-explosive bombs are intended to confront armies that have military bases and huge military equipment, but they are dropped on the heads of children, women, and infrastructure in Gaza.

- The massive level of destruction and the continuation of crimes at a high rate in Gaza is due to the American superiority over the Zionist capabilities.

The Israelis would not have inflicted all this comprehensive destruction and horrific crimes on the Gaza Strip without the American support provided to them

- The American is primarily responsible for the level of destruction and crime in Gaza and its continuation for this long period

- The American provides huge funding for heinous crimes and activated emergency provisions twice, as if the Israeli was part of the American army

- The Israeli enemy transported more than 25 thousand tons of American shells and missiles to kill children and women in Gaza and destroy homes.

- The American participates directly in aviation, espionage and reconnaissance to provide the necessary information to build plans and operations

- The American participates with experts and in the meetings of the Israeli War Council for his partnership in the operation and aggression against Gaza

- The American provides protection at the regional level to the enemy entity and pressures and encourages some countries to take negative positions towards the people of Gaza

- American pressure forced countries to fail, weaken the Islamic position, and provide secret support to the Zionist enemy

- The American confronts the free forces that support the Palestinian people, including the aggression against our country

- The American provides political support to the enemy entity in the Security Council, and uses its veto to veto any humanitarian decision in favor of the residents of Gaza

The total air raids on Gaza amounted to more than 46 thousand raids on a limited, densely populated geographical area

The amount of explosives used by the enemy on Gaza is equivalent to 4 atomic bombs that America dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

During the first two months alone, American officials admitted that the Israeli enemy dropped 29,000 American-made bombs on Gaza.

Some reports indicate that America provided 3,000 bombs weighing up to 2,000 pounds, in addition to other types

- American bombs have the ability to destroy entire neighborhoods, and their deadly shrapnel extends up to 365 meters in Gaza.

The Israeli enemy uses toxic white phosphorus bombs with a burning temperature of up to 800 degrees Celsius

The Israeli enemy admitted to firing more than 90,000 shells and artillery missiles into Gaza within 50 days.

The Zionist enemy used various weapons to make the Gaza Strip unfit for life, according to Zionist statements

- The health situation in the Gaza Strip is very catastrophic under difficult circumstances in which epidemics are likely to spread and there is a lack of medicines and clean water.

- The remaining hospitals in Gaza are besieged and the enemy is creating a new tragedy there, as is the case with the Nasser Medical Complex

- The Israeli enemy steals citizens’ homes that were not bombed

Palestinian female prisoners are subjected to horrific violations that affect human dignity in enemy prisons

It is the despicable nature of the Israeli enemy to exhume 2,000 graves, steal more than 300 bodies, steal vital organs from them, and destroy 13 cemeteries in the governorates of the Gaza Strip. /1Image The situation has reached a point where Israeli male and female soldiers are proud and proud of killing Palestinian children

We are facing a dangerous enemy that poses a danger to all human society and an enemy that disguises all values, morals, rights and laws

The view of the Zionists must remain that they are not merely adversaries, but rather hateful enemies to a degree that no one can imagine.

The Mujahideen brothers in the Gaza Strip are constantly abusing the Israeli enemy, and there are bold and courageous operations

The deaths and injuries of Israeli enemy soldiers are increasing, and the morale of its soldiers is shattered

There are hundreds of Israeli soldiers who have become psychologically ill, and many of them are evading participation in the fighting

- The extent of the destruction and crime through which the Israelis seek to break the will and cohesion of the mujahideen and the Palestinian people in Gaza

- The Israeli enemy failed to recover the prisoners and some of its prisoners were killed as a result of its barbaric bombing and comprehensive destruction

- The Israeli enemy’s conspiracy against Rafah will not compensate for its failure, but rather to commit more crimes.

- There must be an audible and strong movement from all Arab and Islamic countries and the international community against the conspiracy in Rafah

- It is the duty of the Arab Republic of Egypt to be at the forefront of the situation regarding Rafah because this threatens its national security

Statements by leaders and officers of the Israeli enemy reveal the ambitions of the Israeli enemy in Sinai and its focus on them

- The conspiracy against Rafah poses a threat to Egyptian national security

- In exchange for American support for the enemy entity, most recently a $14 billion package announced by the American President, where is the Arab support for Palestine?

Arab countries have huge budgets that spend enormous amounts of money on absurd and trivial matters

- Many take the position of being passive, while some take the position of colluding with the enemy and helping the enemy in secret

- The fronts supporting Gaza in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen continue

- The Hezbollah front in Lebanon is constantly rising and is harassing the Israeli enemy

- The Mujahideen in Iraq did not submit or retreat despite the American targeting

Our front in Yemen continues, is effective and influential, despite the American and British aggression in support of the Israeli enemy

- The British-American aggression is an aggression that failed in achieving its goals, as the enemies themselves admit

- The American and British enemies recognize the influence of the Yemen front in supporting Gaza on the Israeli enemy and its economy.

- The influence of the Yemen Front reached its influence on the Americans and the British when they involved themselves in supporting the Israeli enemy

- The American and British enemies got themselves into trouble and admitted their failure to impose a deterrence strategy

Our operations at sea have had the effect of preventing the movement of ships linked to the Israeli enemy, almost reaching point zero

Our operations at sea are a strategic shift in the reality of the region and have a major impact on American and British influence

- The equation of threatening the American while everyone watches is over

Today, there are those who do not submit to America, do not submit to its threats, and stand diligently and sincerely to support the people of their nation and the Palestinian people.

- What is taking place is a strategic shift and new equations have emerged on the scene for the benefit of our entire Islamic nation

We hope that other countries will be encouraged by the free approach that our nation and peoples need after the American achieved in the past beyond what he dreamed of.

Our country's position overthrew the American goals and created a shift, new equations, and very important variables. /2
Feb 4, 2024 19 tweets 11 min read

I repeatedly heard from the media and Zionists that Hamas has unequivocally declared its intention to exterminate all Jews—an idea abhorrent to any sane individual.

However, after the lies and propaganda exposed about Oct 7, it became imperative to scrutinize the charter and the veracity of these claims.

To my shock, the 1988 charter, the updated 2017 charter, and the recent small book all state the opposite. They envision a land where Jews, Muslims, Christians, and people of other faiths or no faith live in peace, harmony, and safety.

Let’s look at the evidence. /1Image Article 6 of the 1988 Hamas charter is very clear that people of all religions can coexist under the leadership of Hamas.

“Followers of all religions can coexist in security and safety where their lives, possessions and rights are concerned.“

Article 6 of the 1988 Hamas charter clearly states that people of all religions can coexist under the leadership of the Hamas.

They clearly want this to be under their leadership in a state that is Islamic. But how is that any different from the world asking and clamoring for a Jewish state?

The hypocrisy of people stating a Jewish state is a necessity while presenting a state based on Islam as abhorrent is evident. /2Image
Feb 1, 2024 4 tweets 8 min read

“The Zionist enemy continues its genocidal crimes against the people of Gaza

The Israeli enemy does not want those providing medical service to the Palestinian people to remain in hospitals

The Israeli enemy seeks to annihilate the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Israeli enemy continues to commit all kinds of the most heinous crimes, and the result is hundreds of martyrs and wounded every day.

- Within the framework of genocide crimes, there are civilians killed by the Israeli enemy after their arrest.

The enemy arrests Palestinians and proceeds to handcuff and strip them in violation of human dignity, before executing them in cold blood.

One of the most painful and unfortunate scenes of the suffering of the wounded is surgical amputations without anesthesia.

The great suffering and oppression in Gaza is a curse to the Americans, the Israelis, and their supporters.

- The Israeli enemy, with all insolence and unilateral behavior, expressing its moral and humanitarian bankruptcy, declares hospitals primary targets for its military operations.

- The Israeli enemy does not want anyone to remain in hospitals providing health services to the Palestinian people, or to have medicine and medical staff available, so it kills some and arrests others.

The severe Zionist siege on the Gaza Strip continues, and there are deaths from hunger among the displaced.

- There are no considerations for human rights and international law if it conflicts with American and Israeli interests.

The campaign against UNRWA came after the decision of the so-called International Court of Justice to stop murders and genocide in Gaza.

After the International Court of Justice’s decision, it is assumed that food and medicine will enter Gaza and contribute to reducing genocide crimes.
The American was the one who carried the banner of the campaign against UNRWA and incited other countries to stop the easy and limited aid they provided.
Targeting displaced people in UNRWA schools shows the extent of American tyranny and the humanitarian bankruptcy of the West, which took the initiative to announce the cessation of aid to UNRWA.

- The correct and just position of the International Court of Justice is a decision or ruling to stop the aggression and siege on Gaza and stop crime in the West Bank.

- It is known that international institutions are largely subject to American influence, even with the clarity of the right to some issues and the great injustice in them.

As a result of the American intervention, the Israeli enemy is almost exempt from all decisions, rulings and positions announced by international institutions.

- It is a great shame for countries that the Israeli enemy is an accepted member of the United Nations.

- From the beginning of the entry of the enemy entity as a member of the United Nations, this was contrary to justice and equity and was a crime against the Palestinian people.

- In Europe and the Western peoples, there are free voices that have begun to oppose American policies and the policy of open support for the Israeli enemy, while exposing it in an unprecedented manner.

- Spreading the vivid picture of the oppression of the dear Palestinian people and their tragedy, affecting those who have a shred of humanity left in them.

Inaction prevails in the position of many regimes and rulers at the level of the Islamic world and the Arab region.

- There is news about some Arab and Islamic countries supplying the Israeli enemy with goods, despite the shortage occurring as a result of the Yemeni position in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, and this is unfortunate.

- The Palestinian people are in dire need of food and medicine, and they are starving, while some provide fruits and various goods to the Zionist enemy!

- The regimes must move in Palestine as they moved in the events of Afghanistan when the Americans wanted them to move. /1Image Some regimes ignore the tragedy taking place in Palestine, and some condemn and insult those who take action.

The great and honorable position is the steadfastness of the mujahideen in Gaza despite the scale of the aggression and the tragedy.

One of the most important, striking and prominent developments this week is the Qassam Brigades’ missile attacks on Tel Aviv.

The bombing of “Tel Aviv” is a very important operation and has a very great significance in light of the comprehensive destruction of the Strip, the control and the presentation of imaginary achievements.

The enemy kills civilians in Gaza after arresting them, handcuffing them, and sometimes stripping them naked before executing them.

The enemy continues to commit the most heinous crimes in Gaza, starting with the genocide that led to 34 thousand martyrs and missing persons.

The enemy is killing children and women in Gaza with American, British and German shells and missiles.

The wounded in Gaza number more than 65 thousand, who face catastrophic conditions and surgical operations without anesthesia.

The suffering that the people of Gaza are experiencing is a curse on the Israelis, the Americans, and everyone who contributes to it

The enemy declares hospitals military targets in a shameful insolence that expresses his moral and political bankruptcy

The occupation destroyed many hospitals, medical centers, and even health personnel, making them targets for killing and arrest.

The enemy seeks to prevent all necessities of life from Gaza, where about 700,000 displaced people suffer from infectious infections and other diseases.

The world is watching the terrible suffering experienced by the people of Gaza, who are deprived of medicine and even oxygen cylinders.

There are deaths in Gaza from hunger and even from thirst, which forced the population to drink sea water as a result of the occupation’s siege.

In conjunction with the continuation of the aggression and siege and the increasing suffering of the people of Gaza, the American-Israeli decision came to stop funding UNRWA.

The American-Israeli decision to stop funding UNRWA came after the decision of the International Court of Justice

The American carried the banner of the campaign against UNRWA, which reflects terrible brutality towards the people of Gaza.

The American decision against UNRWA reflects the tyranny of the West and its humanitarian bankruptcy

The decision of the International Court of Justice was weak and does not express justice regarding the Israeli crime against the people of Gaza.

International institutions enjoy American influence, and despite the strength of the case, the decision has no effect

It is shameful for the Israeli enemy to be a member of the United Nations, and this is contrary to truth, justice and fairness.

Free voices have begun to emerge among Western peoples who reject Western policy regarding what the people of Gaza are facing.

The recent bombing of “Tel Aviv” by the Al-Qassam Brigades is a very important achievement

The Gaza Mujahideen are being tortured by the enemy who resorts to insane bombing in an attempt to achieve an achievement that is criminality and murder.

The achievements of the Mujahideen in Gaza reflect their steadfastness and steadfastness and the failure of the enemy to achieve its goals and resolve the battle

The achievements of the Mujahideen in Gaza reflect their steadfastness and steadfastness and the failure of the enemy to achieve its goals and resolve the battle

Palestinian steadfastness in Gaza must be supported by all the free people of the nation

Hezbollah’s daily operations hurt and disturb the enemy on the hot southern Lebanese front, as well as the operations of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq

Our readiness is high to target any ship heading to the occupying entity, and America and Britain have gotten themselves into a dilemma. /2
Jan 21, 2024 9 tweets 17 min read



In light of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and as our people continue their battle for independence, dignity and breaking-free from the longest-ever occupation during which they have drawn the finest displays of bravery and heroism in confronting the Israeli murder machine and aggression.

We would like to clarify to our people and the free peoples of the world the reality of what happened on Oct. 7, the motives behind, its general context related to the Palestinian cause, as well as a refutation to the Israeli allegations and to put the facts into perspective. /1Image



1. The battle of the Palestinian people against occupation and colonialism did not start on Oct. 7, but started 105 years ago, including 30 years of British colonialism and 75 years of Zionist occupation. In 1918, the Palestinian people owned 98.5% of the Palestine land and represented 92% of the population on the land of Palestine. While the Jews, who were brought to Palestine in mass immigration campaigns in coordination between the British colonial authorities and the Zionist Movement, managed to seize control of not more than 6% of the lands in Palestine and to be 31% of the population prior to 1948 when the Zionist Entity was announced on the historic land of Palestine. At that time, the Palestinian people were denied from the right to self- determination and the Zionist gangs engaged in an ethnic cleansing campaign against the Palestinian people aimed at expelling them from their lands and areas. As a result, the Zionist gangs seized control by force of 77% of the land of Palestine where they expelled 57% of the people of Palestine and destroyed over 500 Palestinian villages and towns, and committed dozens of massacres against the Palestinians which all culminated in the establishment of the Zionist Entity in 1948. Moreover, in continuation of the aggression, the Israeli forces in 1967 occupied the rest of Palestine including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem in addition to Arab territories around Palestine.

2. Over these long decades, the Palestinian people suffered all forms of oppression, injustice, expropriation of their fundamental rights and the apartheid policies. The Gaza Strip, for example, suffered as of 2007 from a suffocating blockade over 17 years which turned it to be the largest open-air prison in the world. The Palestinian people in Gaza also suffered from five destructive wars\ aggressions all of which “Israel” was the offending party. The people in Gaza in 2018 also initiated the Great March of Return demonstrations to peacefully protest the Israeli blockade, their misery humanitarian conditions and to demand their right-to-return. However, the Israeli occupation forces responded to these protests with brutal force by which 360 Palestinians were killed and 19,000 others were injured including over 5,000 children in a matter of few months.

3. According official figures, in the period between (January 2000 and September 2023), the Israeli occupation killed 11,299 Palestinians and injured 156,768 others, the great majority of them were civilians. Unfortunately, the US administration and its allies did not pay attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people over the past years but provided cover to the Israeli aggression. They only lamented the Israeli soldiers who were killed on Oct. 7 even without seeking the truth of what happened, and wrongfully walked behind the Israeli narrative in condemning an alleged targeting of Israeli civilians. The US administration provided the financial and military support to the Israeli occupation massacres against the Palestinian civilians and the brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip, and still the US officials continue to ignore what the Israeli occupation forces commit in Gaza of mass killing.

4. The Israeli violations and brutality were documented by many UN organizations and international human rights groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and even documented by Israeli human rights groups. However, these reports and testimonies were ignored and the Israeli occupation is yet to be held accountable. For example, on Oct. 29, 2021, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan insulted the UN system by tearing up a report for the UN Human Rights Council during an address at the General Assembly, and threw it in a dustbin before leaving the podium. Yet, he was appointed in the following year – 2022 – to the post of vice-president of the UN General Assembly. /2
Jan 8, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read

Video reportedly shows;

Karina Ariev
Liri Alba
Agam Berger
Daniela Gilboa

They are soldiers.

They are legitimate prisoners of war under the Geneva convention.

Here is the evidence. /1 Private Karina Ariev is an Israeli soldier deployed under surveillance.

She was taken captive on Oct 7. /2
Nov 13, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read

The IDF and Israel falsely claimed that Hamas beheaded 40 babies.

Subsequently, the narrative shifted to 40 babies being killed.

Then the claims was some babies were beheaded and baked.

According to Haaretz, only 1 baby is reported to have died.

However, it seems clear that this baby was killed by Israeli forces.

Let’s look at the evidence. /1
Image Figured for Haaretz show that 1149 people died on October 7.

There is just 1 baby among the dead. /2

Graph from @ubersoy

Nov 9, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

“The pilots realised that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian… The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”
Here is confirmation from the Times of Israel that this footage is from Oct 7 in advance preparation for any alleged community note claiming it was 2 days later.

“The video shows missiles hitting cars, trucks, motorcycles and people on foot as pilot reports HUNDREDS of gunmen sweeping INTO ISRAEL to attack nearby communities”
Oct 20, 2023 37 tweets 15 min read

The Israeli IOF bombed the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital. They have targeted numerous hospitals in the past, and it's likely they will continue to do so in the future.

Initially, they acknowledged the bombing, but when faced with public outcry, they backpedaled and shifted the blame onto the Palestinians.

Subsequently, they leveraged their media influence to launch a propaganda campaign to promote their own narrative.

This thread aims to compile all the evidence and demonstrate that Israel was responsible for the hospital bombing.

Let’s look at the evidence. /1
Image The Israeli IOF forces routinely target hospitals, mosques, churches, and schools.

In the image provided, you can see several instances of Israeli IDF forces bombing hospitals.

The distinguishing factor this time was the public outcry, which compelled them to retract their actions and place blame on the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad). /2
Oct 11, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read

There were widespread reports claiming that Hamas had beheaded 40 infants—an utterly horrifying and evil act if true.

However, in reality, there is no evidence or basis for this assertion, and it has been thoroughly debunked.

It appears that this is yet another instance of manipulating the public to support the idea of genocide against an entire population.

There were even calls on various platforms suggesting that Gaza should be burnt to the ground in response to these claims.

But the truth refutes these allegations.

Let’s look at the evidence. /1
Image The reporter who initially broke the story began to backtrack. She hadn't seen any evidence herself and relied solely on information from Israeli soldiers.

The source of her information was “An Israeli soldier told me, trust them."

Not only did they serve as her only source of information, but they would later retract their statements.

The mainstream media, driven by a specific agenda, reported the story.

The aim was to manipulate the public. /2
Sep 21, 2023 24 tweets 12 min read
Russell Brand - MeToo, Censorship, False Memories, and Falsely Accused Men

Radical feminism has extreme unmitigated power, and they have systematically targeted Russell Brand for cancellation.

They show no regard for his perspective or evidence, prioritizing their agenda over truth. When focused on ruining a man's life, they engage in extreme behavior.

These events showcase the impact of a society influenced by leftist, liberal, feminist authoritarian ideologies. A man can lose his livelihood and reputation without being proven guilty of a crime.

There are no consequences for these actions and false allegations.

Men are persistently vilified in society, resulting in elevated levels of depression and suicide.

Let's examine what happened to Russell Brand and others men such as Andrew Tate, Jonny Depp, Benjamin Mendy, Sir Cliff Richard’s, Tristan Tate, Jeremy Piven, Kevin Spacey, Trevor Bauer, Noel Clarke, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Cristiano Ronaldo

Many of these men had their lives destroyed, only to be later vindicated. /1
Image Initially, his talent agency and book publisher severed ties with Russell Brand.

This hindered his ability to communicate with people through the written medium. Writing allows for the conveyance of nuanced ideas.

Notably, one of his books was titled 'Revolution.'

It appears to be an attempt to stifle his message and exert control over people's ideas and thoughts.

They will persist in denying it was coordinated.

They will argue this isn't complete cancellation.

But we know the truth. /2
Sep 17, 2023 37 tweets 18 min read
Channel 4 and 'Times' Russell Brand Hit-Piece Exposed: Right & Left Wing British Media Unite to Smear Alternative Voices

Russel Brand is a well known ALTERNATIVE media personality. He doesn’t follow or propagate the mainstream narrative. An Axis of MSM has colluded to DESTROY @rustyrockets reputation because he poses an existential threat to them.

When he led a hedonistic lifestyle, mainstream media promoted and broadcast his stereotypically liberal behaviour. At that time they had no issue.

But decades later, after he left that lifestyle, and agitated MSM - both the Right and Left wing branches, they have manufactured weak allegations out of his past to take him out.

They did the same with @Cobratate and they will do the same again.

The irony is that liberal leftist society promotes hedonism and then when the time is right use that very behaviour to cancel the person.

Welcome to 2023

The media has assumed upon itself the role of prosecutor, judge and jury with no regard for justice and due process.

Let’s do a FORENSIC analysis into The Times and Channel 4 Hit Piece to see the strength of these claims.

Let’s look at the ‘evidence’. /1
Image They contacted 100s of people in order to find dirt on Russell Brand.

Simply put the article and Dispatches documentary were the result of years of digging up any woman that would give the MSM the story they wanted.

They frankly admit they “scrutinised Brand’s books and interviews, and watched and listened to hundreds of hours of his shows on the BBC, Channel 4 and YouTube to corroborate allegations.”

Imagine speaking to so many people: during the height of his fame. Brand claims to have slept with 80 women a month. And yet they manage to find only 4 women, all of whom were actually in relationship with Brand. How convenient...

So this is the game; you can have a relationship with someone & decades later a woman can claim one of the encounters during the middle of it was not consensual. /2
Sep 14, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Andrew Tate - The Web of Lies of the False Accuser Exposed Through Leaks

There was one woman behind the false accusations against @Cobratate and @TateTheTalisman.

She had only been in Romania for 6 days, but during that time, she managed to convince a woman from Britain that she was also being trafficked.

This woman had a long history of falsely accusing men, many of whom ended up in prison. One man couldn't take it anymore and decided to end things.

She frequently claimed she was being taken advantage of, regularly asserted that she was being kidnapped, and she was a serial liar.

This thread exposes her web of lies through a series of leaks.
Image Whenever a man tried to leave her, it often resulted in false accusations of trauma, loud outbursts, and even threats of self-harm.
Aug 16, 2023 26 tweets 23 min read

This is a perfect CASE STUDY of how mainstream media is deployed to cancel someone perceived to be a threat.

The person they have chosen to target is @MarioNawfal. This choice is not without reason; as Twitter gains credibility for being a non-propaganda news alternative to mainstream media, it has become a prime target for such attacks.

On June 23rd, Mario’s extensive reporting on the Russia mutiny attracted an audience of more than 17 million viewers and generated hundreds of millions of impressions within a single day.

It was after this that a barrage of attacks were set into motion.

The journalist behind the article in question has a prior history of attacking Elon and Twitter/X. His focus now shifted to Mario.

Even the main ‘source’ of the article admitted ON RECORD to lying to both NBC and the FBI in order to frame Mario, as well as THREATENING others to get them to lie about Mario.

Other sources were also threatened, including Sigmund Holtz (evidence below), who feared for his life and admitted to having Chet Long (the main source in the Hit-Piece) “put a knife in my back, threaten me, fear for my life, I have to leave the country” as he was coerced to participate in NBC’s article.

Within this thread, a segment of a multi-thread series substantiating my claims, I will unveil a selection of evidence in my possession that showcases instances of DELIBERATE LIES.

These instances were orchestrated in an attempt to tarnish Mario’s image and destroy his credibility.

Furthermore, I will highlight confessions about a covert, multi-month operation with the intent to inflict harm upon Mario and his companies.

Throughout this campaign, the perpetrators have gone so far as to fabricate evidence and threaten sources in order to have them lie.

In order to achieve their goal of maligning and discrediting Mario, NBC have not only embraced unethical tactics and engaged in journalism that is morally questionable, but also adopted unscrupulous strategies.

In the threads to come, you will find both recorded and written CONFESSIONS of ILLEGAL ACTIONS by sources, all aimed at constructing a narrative with the sole purpose of causing harm to Mario, and by association, also to Musk and X.

Today I will share just SOME of the evidence, with more to come over the next few days and weeks. /1 Ben Goggin, the anti-Elon NBC reporter and journalist, authored two Hit-Pieces about Mario Nawfal.

Goggin's conduct exhibited a blatant disregard for journalistic values and ethics, compromising his sources’ safety and manipulating individuals to target Mario.

His attacks on Mario appear to stem from his profound hate towards Elon. For instance, he embarked on a comprehensive two-week campaign of malicious posts directed at Elon.

It's ironic that certain individuals, who have often reaped the benefits of being in Mario's spotlight, opt to align themselves with mainstream media in an effort to harm Mario and gain further notoriety.

The majority of people realized NBC's true motive in targeting Mario; the comments section of NBC’s article was brimming with individuals who not only criticized the hit-piece, but also rallied behind Mario's cause.

STILL TO COME: How NBC’s main source intentionally lied to both the NBC and the FBI, and threatened sources, causing them to fear for their life as well as their families’ lives. /2

Jul 28, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
Conservatives Love Feminism & Transgenderism (*As Long As Only Girls Do It)

The Daily Wire crew, along with conservatives, often engage in discussions about transgender individuals who were assigned male at birth. They have even formed alliances with radical feminists to address……
Image Here is the data from the UK: According to information from the Tavistock Clinic, there was a nearly 300% higher rate of referral for GIRLS over the age of 12 compared to BOYS. Additionally, for children under 12 years old, GIRLS were twice as likely to be referred to the clinic……