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Football fan writing about the business side of Fan Tokens, the Chiliz blockchain and its native token $CHZ

Jan 16, 2023, 7 tweets

More than 3B $CHZ (35% of TS) were distributed in @Chiliz's private placement in 2018/19.

Although a public list of investors exists, it's mostly unclear which entity received how many tokens.

Thanks to @ArkhamIntel, we might now know one of them and their allocation. (1/7) 🧵

Arkham has labelled *Ceyuan Ventures* as owner of:


This wallet has received #CHZ from the #Chiliz Multi-Sig Wallet in Feb 2019 at the PP.


Ceyuan Ventures (CV) is a well known Beijing-based early stage venture capital firm.

Their participation in $CHZ PP is nothing new, only the amount has remained unclear.

Assuming Arkham has done their research right and the wallet does belong to CV, we now know more.


Ceyuan Ventures has received ~10m $CHZ which is a rather small invest of $200k at a pp price of $0.0215.

It remains unclear to me whether CV has received additional tokens to other wallets.

Since we don't know, we'll focus on these tokens.


After Ceyuan got the #CHZ in Feb 19, they moved them to #Binance in Dec 19.

We can't further track if/when CV sold them, but CEX deposits often mean just that sooner > later.

Since CHZ traded at $0.0076 at the time, i.e. below PP price, they likely sold later than Dec 19.


IMO, majority of $CHZ PP tokens has been sold in the 2020/21 bull market *at the latest* incl. CV.

ROI must have been too tempting, as CHZ mooned from $0.0215 up to $0.90.

But: As there are some wallets left holding millions at low PP-prices, I'll keep an eye on those.


Interestingly enough, Ceyuan Ventures is also a shareholder of Mediarex Group.

Mediarex is the holding company of @Chiliz & @socios, which is 76% owned by @alex_dreyfus.

Given these ties I was surprised about CVs little allocation, yet found this piece worth sharing. 🫡


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