Lew Anno Support#Israel #Ukraine 24/2-22 Profile picture
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Jan 17, 2023, 7 tweets

The cure for the Russian breakthrough🇸🇪🇺🇦

The enemy troops do not stop singing praises to their offspring of the T-90M tank industry. They say this is such a child prodigy that will almost decide the fate of mankind It is not known how many of these coffins are already smoked /1

in the steppes of Ukraine, but one thing is known - the cure for the "breakthrough". It bears the name of the king. Your attention - "Karl Gustav".

"Karl Gustav" - Swedish hand-held anti-tank grenade reusable. The grenade launcher is designed to destroy armored targets, /2

fortifications, equipped and unequipped firing positions and enemy manpower, as well as to set up smoke screens and illuminate the area.

Caliber: 84 mm
Type: dynamo-reactive (recoilless + some types of grenades are active-reactive)
Length: 1130 mm
Weight: 9.5 kg

Weight with optical sight: 14 kg
Effective firing range:
for fixed targets - 700 m,
on moving targets - 150 m,
on fixed targets with an active-reactive grenade - 1000 m
Armor penetration: more than 500 mm (with DZ 400 mm)

For a king, breakthrough armor is like a cardboard box

The Swedish "Karl Gustav" grenade launcher was handed over to us in one of the first aid packages to Ukraine. Today it is one of the most effective and widespread grenade launchers in the world. It has been adopted by more than forty countries.



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