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Jan 18, 2023, 5 tweets

National Housing Programme is delivering on its objectives, stimulating economies of 35 states plus the FCT.
Also, with Road Infrastructure Tax Credit Scheme, major roads and projects in Nigeria are being constructed with some completed and others ongoing

National Housing Programme is producing new homeowners and citizens who found economic fulfilment working on the projects.
Other major roads are also funded under Multi-Lateral loans and grants.

Federal Housing Authority has a total of 2,382 housing Units under construction from January 2022 till date.1,462 unit have been delivered so far in 7 sites across the Nation.

The Super Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fashola giving updates on the progress of Lagos/Ibadan Expressway.

Babatunde Raji Fashola talking about Bonny Bodo Bridge.
Do you know that there has never been a road into Bonny From Bodo?
This Government is constructing a 39km road and bridges into that area.

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