Sulaiman Ahmed Profile picture
Journalist, Geo-Politics, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics, LLB Law

Jan 19, 2023, 18 tweets

Andrew Tate, Judge’s Ruling and Human Trafficking/Loverboy

I have reviewed the allegations against the Tates and they do not stand up to scrutiny. I am still surprised that they were arrested based on the lack of evidence in this case

Let’s review the evidence /1


We hear a lot about the loverboy method & the Romanians trying to convict the Tates based on this method.

But this is not correct, the broad definition when taken in isolation can be used to convict anyone. Heck you could reverse it and claim catfishing is a lovergirl method. /2

Loverboy is an aspect of human trafficking. Alone it’s not a crime & that's why the judge didn't refer to it in his 9 pg Judgment

1. Loverboy
2. HumanTrafficking

In a case, 2 is important & 1 is merely used to prove 2. You can convict solely on 2 but not solely based on 1. /3

UN definition: “Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.”

So the main point from this definition is the question, what is exploitation? /4

It’s not defined, but Marija Javonich provided 3 aspects:

(1) abuse of vulnerability
(2) excessive gain
(3) sustained action

In my view the US woman doesn’t fulfil any of the 3, let alone all 3

The Moldovan doesn’t fit (2) and we need more information to decide (1) & (3) /5

We know for US woman:

(1) Doesn’t apply as she's from the US, a 1st world country

(2) Doesn’t apply as she didn’t do cam-work for them & according to the judicial documents she was paid upkeep

(3) Doesn’t apply as she was there briefly

So US woman was NOT Human Trafficked. /6

As for Moldovan woman based on the judicial documents she does not fit (2).

As the US woman said she was told by Tates' people she would be living with women, and the Moldovan, who she claimed were sharing profits with the Tates

So the Moldovan woman wasn't Human Trafficked. /7

Some people refer to the Tates website where they explain how they get women to join the Webcam business but they deliberately ignore the most crucial words “we will get rich TOGETHER”.

This means that the statement does not fit into (2), and is NOT human trafficking. /8

But what about the other 4 women?

First, 2 of the women have come out on Romanian and UK TV claiming that the Romanian prosecutor has decided they are ‘Victims’ when they are not victims

They have also been interviews by the BBC. It is quite strange


If this is the case then we have maybe 2 or even 0 women, and the entire case rests on the US & Moldovan women.

No one has provided any info on which women acuse of trafficking.

Here is a video of the US & Moldovan women partying with their phones:

What’s the Judge’s view?

Pg 3 of the Judicial Ruling says evidence on trafficking is:

1. Witness Statement
2. Psych Report
3. Wiretap

Pg 2 Judge: "there's reasonable suspicion that the defendant committed crimes of organised criminal group in relation to Human trafficking" /11

As explained in the previous thread. Pg 4 explains 3 levels of evidence.

Reasonable suspicion falls in 1.

1. To refer to court to remand
2. To prosecute
3. To convict

The evidence only meets 1, according to the Judge

There’s not enough evidence to prosecute or convict. /12

The wiretap leaks to the press show the Judiciary, Prosecutor & Press have an incestous relationship.

We should be concerned.

As for the leaks they're weak and don't meet conditions of Human Trafficking.

It’s why the judge said they need more evidence to prosecute. /13

We saw this relationship when DIICOT raided the Tate’s home on 29 December.

The press were there with their equipment ready to shoot the arrest and the raid.

Is that normal in organised crime cases?

Answer is no! Well, unless….


This is important because the Prosecutor is relying on the press to paint the Tates in a bad light.

If the leaks are their best evidence then there's NO CASE!

So they're using it just for perception of guilt.

Any other evidence the judge has said isn't enough to prosecute. /15

We know the Judge was biased, he approved the seizing of assets worth about 5m when the civil claim isn't even 0.1% of it.
The Defence were only given 45 mins to prepare a case. Tates' lawyers were meant to have case within 10 days it’s now been 20.

Still no case files! /16

Are you expecting a fair trial?

After going through the documents I have to agree with the judge that even with the wiretap there isn’t enough evidence to prosecute let alone convict

So why is this circus of a 'criminal investigation' still ongoing?

I will let you decide! /17

What should be of concern to any upstanding citizen is that the Judge has already acted in a manner that appears to be nefarious and bias.

Based on the above can we trust him?

I think not! /18

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