Yukon Strong 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Profile picture
Hunter. Relic. Outcast. Endangered Species.

Jan 19, 2023, 13 tweets

A politically powerful idea for @PierrePoilievre @LeslynLewis

Families are worried about the ability to provide. Specifically, how food could be restricted, taxed & priced in the future

So, I propose the following:

To Hunt, Fish, Grow & Own
We call it the #HFGO act


Under the act, Canadians would agree to engage in sustainable harvest, wildlife management & micro agriculture to provide for themselves in an organic, non commercial manner.

In turn Canadians would be afforded legal protections for equipment, access to public land & usage of their property to engage in this activity. Both urban & rural benefit

While many do this already as my family has for generations, its not a secure right. It can be taken away.

In short, what I am proposing here is to fundamentally enshrine the right for Canadians to provide sustenance for themselves under law so that no govt, or industry could abuse or hinder the food supply in the future

And if the liberals oppose it?

Well, that would be anti-food

Hunting fishing birding
Micro farming
Hydroponics Greenhouses
Poultry apiary

All wildly popular in the Yukon!

Micro farms are fun & interesting. YukonAG assoc. lists goods online for our community

The model can be adopted federally


The carbon savings would sell to media.

No shipping, packaging or chemicals, eliminating plastics without childish bans.

It’s a powerful, addictive idea. Taking Control of your health & future, knowing you’ll be fed fresh food no matter what.

Immune to prices & shortages

The #HFGO act provides access to hormone and chemical free food, harvested naturally by embracing the unique opportunity 🇨🇦’s ecosystem affords, rather than forcing people into the grocery store/commercial/processed food paradigm

And honestly, I don’t want to eat insects.

Long term health cost savings would be substantial. Instead of fat Canadians eating carcinogens, we have fit Canadians harvesting emissions free organic

The act lifts the govt burden of regulation, inflationary handouts & prevents overreach by the ideologically extreme

Access to food is a basic human right.

We have seen extreme measures, price gouging/fixing, industry cartels. Massive agricultural purchases by the ultra wealthy. Worse, authoritarian govt action in attempts to seize control or shockingly inhibit the food supply

I think the idea has great power, politically, economically & socially

🇨🇦 living in harmony with nature as indigenous have, encouraging healthy outdoor life, wildlife management & safe food for generations to come

FYI, I’d personally LOVE to help shape this initiative, lol!


So how do Canadians feel about the #HFGO act?

Vote here! 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 🇨🇦

Need an RT here folks to see if we can get some interest on this, solves property rights and food control all at the same time

@SheilaGunnReid @kirky86 @bigmothufacking @RealAndyLeeShow @TWilsonOttawa @liz_churchill8 @AaronGunn @QuickDickMcDick @bushcrafter79 @WEXITBarbie

I think this is one of my more interesting ideas and would love to do a space on this if someone wants to help me host

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