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Jan 19, 2023, 5 tweets

On #PMBScorecard today, let's look at the Transportation sector.
The Federal Government to kickstart the process leading to the construction of a rail line from Abuja to Itakora with a branch line to Baro.

Federal Government 's Railway Modernization Programme is to link ever state capital by rail.

Dala Inland Port in Kano state is about 70% completed and has been linked to the rail lines.
Other Inland Ports are also at various levels of completion

Kaduna Inland Dry Port was declared a port of origin of exports and destination of imports and commissioned by President Muhammadu Buhari on 4th January 2018.

Within the period under review 2015-2023, the moribund commercial railway services were resuscitated by the administration of president Muhammadu Buhari

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