Lux “Non-Zionist” Alptraum Profile picture
Author, podcaster, bon vivant: Peabody nominee. Literally OCD. Also on Bluesky at Avi: @TheCovatar she/her

Jan 20, 2023, 9 tweets

Entertain me

I mean I don’t know who you are so I can’t say yes or no but I can say that when people annoy me on Twitter I just mute them so it’s fine, do whatever

We had bisexuals on TV more than 20 years ago? The only examples coming to mind are some awful SATC eps, unforch.

I don’t like things that are fun

In all seriousness the only music festival I’ve ever been to was Lilith Fair 1999; it’s the kind of thing I can enjoy with the right people but it’s not my bag. Have fun tho!

I am always asking people to option my life rights so… I mean for the right price/right people, yes absolutely

I nuked it from the internet at a time when that was still possible.

I still have it but now it’s just for me.

I mean it depends on who it is and what the deal is. If it’s someone I interact with (or even better are mutuals with), it’s possible. If it’s some total rando? Very low.


A) Thank you! (Everyone else, #BuyMyBook:…)

B) I mean I have, but it usually requires someone to invite me to do an event; it’s not something I’m actively organizing right now (esp since the book is 4!). But if I do an event you can ask me to sign my book.

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