VaccineMole Profile picture
Vaccine and Drug Research Investigator. Here to show evidence-based science and truth about the risks and benefits from medical interventions

Jan 20, 2023, 11 tweets

1-Some may know @DrSusanOliver1,she's mocks & refuses evidence from scientists/papers showing clear evidence of harm/deaths from COVID-19 vaccines.
What may be the motivation for that?
This mole smelled something familiar with vaccines on her & decided to dig deep to find out

2-This mole found @drsusan1 works/is paid as senior Researcher for Boyer lab,wish's located/affiliated with NSW University
Prof.Cyrille Boyer,her boss,is head of the lab,but this mole's smell got real strong when the word nanoparticle came up on the screen

3-@DrSusanOliver1 is specialized in nanoparticle tech and Prof.Cyrille Boyer's co-director of Australian Centre for Nanomedcine, wish of course makes lots/tons of money from nanotech:
At this point the smell got so rotten,that this mole needed fresh air

4-Smell was so unbearable but this mole had to keep digging & unveiled the tip of the root for the smell:
The Australian Centre for Nanomedicine's doing research on drug delivery technologies for..mRNA COVID-19 vaccines!
2 authors from ACN are co-authors:…

5-But wait,as this mole unveiled the tip of the root,it couldn't stop digging now,it wondered wish tree this root belongs to,but the smell was so bad,that it almost gave up,so it decided to unveil the root even more to find wish tree it belonged to..

6-Root lead to tree,it smelled so bad,this mole almost died intoxicated,found @DrSusanOliver1,Prof.Cyrille Boyer & colleague Prof.Thordarson,from ACN at UNSW will lead:
Australia mRNA vaccine research for 96 million government funds……

7-Now you know why @DrSusanOliver1 promotes mRNA vaccines so much,fights with 10 nails to suppress anything that threatens the safety of her precious mRNA research, being done at the UNSW,where she and her boss Prof.Cyrille Boyer,along with his colleague Prof.Thordarson,works

8-This mole now hopes you spread & expose these people,part of the biopharmaceutical complex,wish will do everything to suppress information about the harms of the np mRNA technology.
I can only search/find what's bellow the ground,i'll leave the work at the surface with you..

9-Mice told this mole @DrSusanOliver1 engraved "retired" Nov 2022 in bad smelling root,hoping to hide tree
Went back to dig,found study published Aug 2022,just months ago
Her & boss Cyrille Boyer are authors,showing still working for ACN & boss as of 2022…

10-Mice also told mole some insist with retirement claim as a distracting maneuver to keep eyes away from big picture:
Her past history/ties to pharma mRNA technology wish obviously represents huge conflict of interests..
Anyway,in Australia, people can still work post-retirement

11-This mole felt bad smell from root again,returned to it,found @DrSusanOliver1 with her dog at "root scene" trying to cover up her ties to COV-19 mRNA vaccine industry with videos,was to late for her,people already seen & collected COI evidence at RSI(Root Scene Investigation)

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