VaccineMole Profile picture
Vaccine and Drug Research Investigator. Here to show evidence-based science and truth about the risks and benefits from medical interventions
Jim McCloskey Profile picture (Un)Learning & Discerning Profile picture Kim Profile picture Misha 🕵‍♀️ Who's the 6th all-seeing 👁 Profile picture 4 subscribed
Oct 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1-🔥BREAKING Thread-NEW GERMAN Doc Pub 15 Oct 2023 called "INVISIBLE" dedicated to German COV-19 Vaccine Injured
Elle,17 year old/Mother Felicitas NiederDorfer,speak out
She was healthy before vaccination,now life destroyed
Movie/Doc from Patricia Marcha/Georg Sabransky
PART1/6 2-PART 2/6
Mother Felicitas NiederDorfer:
"For me this was not fate,but a missed opportunity for love,what happened to Elle isn't fate,because there are people responsible in society who have accepted that my daughter,children,mothers,people can become sick from the vaccination"
Apr 24, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
1-Some may know @doctorshaib,with its claws,mole read he works at Exeter University,UK,as Senior Clinical Lecturer
Heard he called other experts uneducated on vaccine myocarditis/claimed no financial interest on COV-19 vaccines,this mole smelled otherwise
Image 2-@doctorshaib should know conflict of interest also arises when someone's employed/represents an organisation that promotes a product
Meaning any statement from employee about employer product's influenced by his interests itself(income/career,etc)=COI… Image
Apr 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1-BREAKING:Hours Ago,14 Apr 2023
Broadcast German Media SWR,Southwest Germany
Unlike many countries,German media's making vaccine injured heard
Interview 2 Vaccine Injured
Pia Aksoy,3 Children,Deaf one ear/Ear Thrombosis 3 days after COVID-19 Vaccination
Mole translated 3 parts 2-"Felix Fey,many symptoms for more than 6 mnths after COV-19 vaccination"
"Doesn't feel hands/legs,Diag:Small Fiber Neuropathy"
"Life's no longer what it used to be,has heart valve defect,Small Fiber Neuropathy,chronic fatigue,exhaustion,all of this from COV-19 vaccinations"
Apr 4, 2023 20 tweets 18 min read
1-Today,while this mole dug for worms,it hit hard in suitcase
With it's paws read words "delivery medical instruments" with Dr Theresa Kelly and @ztkelly twitter address/pic on it
Felt strong familiar smell of COV-19 vaccines/vaccine industry on suitcase
This was the suitcase: 2-It also found @ztkelly is an obstetrician who along with @VikiLovesFACS strongly promote and recommend COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant while claiming they're safe and effective even on the long term
Mar 22, 2023 18 tweets 11 min read
1-Now that @VikiLovesFACS unblocked this mole,perhaps it can bring her to its senses
This mole will investigate the studies from wish she bases her safety claims of COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant
This thread's ongoing,so it will keep it updated..
On to dig for delicious 🪱🪱🪱 Image 2-1st 4 rows of @VikiLovesFACS studies to claim COV-19 vaccines safe for pregnant r based on V-SAFE wish registers adverse events from 1st dose/day 1,correctly considering pregnant,at least 1 dose=vaccinated,but..
Risks obfuscated with variable manipulation,it will check each one ImageImage
Mar 17, 2023 23 tweets 24 min read
1-Today this mole was drawn to yard with unusual strong odour to pharma paid & COV-19 vaccine promoting institutions/organisations,strongest felt so far
With its paws,felt sign in the yard,engraved with words:"David Henry Gorski & @gorskon job place at @waynestate" with picture: 2-Suddenly it heard @gorskon speaking with low voice in yard:"Oh no,mole's about to expose my ties to COV-19 vaccines institutions/organisations,maybe if i show some ties known by everyone,it leaves me alone"
Then,felt man throwing paper to it with text
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
NOW:Italian Media Report:
Mistake giving COV-19 vaccines to naturally recovered
"Percentage of people recovered from COV who need hospitalization following new S-CoV2 infection,higher among who also receive vaccine"
"same figure for intensive care/deaths"… Image 2-Based on several scientists/papers referenced in the report,it's concluded:
"For all above,it's believed NOT TO RECOMMEND a subsequent vaccination to recovered subjects can no longer be postponed"
This mole puts on record some who promote(d) hybrid immunity
Mar 11, 2023 13 tweets 10 min read
1-Some may know @VikiLovesFACS,she keeps claiming COV-19 vaccines safe for pregnant,yet when scientists show otherwise,she remains silent/denies them
Today,while this mole dug for insects to eat,found a maternity shirt,with its claws,read name Dr.Victoria Male and picture below: 2-Maternity Shirt had small pocket,this mole sneaked inside the pocket and found card on it with name Dr.Victoria Male written, along with twitter address @VikiLovesFACS
It dug to twitter address and found @VikiLovesFACS is an Immunologist working on pregnancy at @ImperialCollege
Mar 7, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
1-Today,while this mole dug for pests underground,it hit hard in a metal box
With it's paws felt picture engraved with name @Debunk_the_Funk
It felt strong odour coming from box similar to stinky smell of COV-19 tests,vaccines,pharmaceutical industry
This was the picture: 2-Inside box,found several documents,one of them had "debunk the funk" youtube address… with name/credentials:
"Dr. Wilson"
"I earned my B.S. in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Clarion University and my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University"
Feb 25, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
Is this what they mean when they claim COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant?I see..
Pub 26 Sep 2022
"24-yo PREGNANT,elevated D-DIMER,blurred vision,headache,right-hand weakness anomia,alexia,TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK developed 13d after MODERNA VACCINE"… 2-This mole thinks pregnant woman deserve thread with informed consent,wouldn't you agree?
Many manipulated cohorts out there with dozens of confounders making them untrustworthy
Remember,these pregnant woman could be any pregnant woman
So,onward to the dig
Feb 21, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
1-This mole read new scam from @DrSusanOliver1 claiming @Johnincarlisle wrong on German autopsy proving man died from COV-19 vaccine
She claims nucleocapsid's always accompanied by Spike Protein,wish is 1st misleading LIE
@drbeen_medical should retract his comment
I'll show why 2-@DrSusanOliver1 accusses @Johnincarlisle of not understanding research when she is the one who has no clue of what she's talking about
This mole unearths her false claims despite smelling so bad, but it had to dig anyway and bring it up, otherwise the smell wouldn't go away..
Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1-ARTE Channel also reported dramatic testimony of 28-yo Tamara Retzlaff
Vaccinated Aug 2021,suffered continuously dizziness,headaches,
concentration problems,extreme tiredness,shortness of breath,heart ache,muscle,joint pain,twitching, numbness
Lost her active everyday life/job 2-Tamara now helping others injured from COV-19 Vaccines
University Hospitals ask Tamara to help injured instead of helping them themselves
Tamara started self-help group were injured share their experiences/tips to help each-other.
There are thousand unreported/dismissed cases
Feb 13, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
1-EXCLUSIVE ARTE Broadcast,8 FEB 2023->European public channel dedicated to culture,reports on COV-19 VACCINE INJURED
Pascal Mertens,was vaccinated against COV-19,since then,his life changed drastically,needs a walker to walk,hardly leaves flat alone
See all 3 parts,share widely 2-After 1st dose of COV-19 vaccination,Pascal had twitching in limbs
After 2nd vaccination,got weaker and weaker,started stumbling,couldn't do anything about it,could no longer walk up the stairs
He's now completely dependent on his parents
Visited many doctors,unable to help him
Feb 4, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
1-You may know Prof.Chris Whitty,Chief Medical Officer/UK Government advisor,he's pushing COV-19 mRNA vaccine/boosters for public,does he have any incentive for it?
This mole smelled ties to vaccine funding philanthropy organisations in him,decided to dig:
Image 2-Works as physician at London School of Hygiene/Tropical Medicine
In 2007,also worked there as director of Malaria Centre when Bill/Melinda Gates Foundation funded $40m for malaria centre to malaria drug treatment research…… ImageImageImage
Jan 20, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
1-Some may know @DrSusanOliver1,she's mocks & refuses evidence from scientists/papers showing clear evidence of harm/deaths from COVID-19 vaccines.
What may be the motivation for that?
This mole smelled something familiar with vaccines on her & decided to dig deep to find out Image 2-This mole found @drsusan1 works/is paid as senior Researcher for Boyer lab,wish's located/affiliated with NSW University
Prof.Cyrille Boyer,her boss,is head of the lab,but this mole's smell got real strong when the word nanoparticle came up on the screen ImageImage
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1-Peggy Dobelke,43 yo German woman,3 children,was one of the first vaccinated with NovaVax vaccine,since then,hardly walks,intestines badly inflamed,neuro damage,daily diarrhoea
Husband Michael Dobelke takes care of her & children
22 Dec 2022,German RBB Media
Translation 2 parts 2-Peggy Dobelke,now needs a walker to walk normally.There is no support available from the state of Berlin,Germany. Vaccine injured are left alone with severe consequences..
Dec 16, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
1-BREAKING:On 29 Nov 2022,MDR,a big public media in Germany,published a report/documentary with the testimony of 3 reputable German pathologists who show clear evidence for the link between COVID-19 vaccinations and deaths
This is BIG,share this widely
I've translated in 5 parts 2-
Nov 26, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
The possible relationship with blood cancers and COVID-19 vaccines and the proven scientific mechanisms that may explain it... Better than anyone, scientists who work on immunology/pathology can explain it and show how the rise in cancers since 2021 are now at 9-sigma... And last but not the least, let's just add the statistical significance for the rise in cancers after the COVID-19 vaccines rollout to @drcole12 's alarming findings. Courtesy of @EthicalSkeptic aka the Random Dude out there. This mole sends greetings...