Moon | Avatrice AU 📌 Profile picture
Avatrice brainrot | my @ is a lie

Jan 20, 2023, 143 tweets

i loved you first - #Avatrice AU

••°° Beatrice's a sophomore in highschool and a new transferee when she became friends with Ava. They were juniors when she realized she's in love with her. And they were seniors when Ava started dating Bea's childhood friend Michael °°••

Beatrice and Ava's main and private accounts

A few things to note:

- do not mind the timestamp. They're not important unless stated otherwise.
- there's no solid schedule for updates but when i do give you new chaps, i'll also tell you if it's the last chap for the day
- i write nothing but happy endings


Let's start with the gang...

Lilith - One of Bea's closest friends. Their parents are in the same social circle but they didnt start becoming friends until they became classmates

Camila - One of Ava's closest friends. An lgbt.... supporter (girl i guess 👀)


Mary - Ava's sister. Her parents adopted Ava when the latter was 8 years old

Yasmine - One of Avatrice's friends and Bea's book buddy


The men... 🙄

Michael - Bea's childhood friend (or the only friend that her parents like, mainly because he's a man and her parents still have this belief that they will end up together even tho they know she's a homosapien)

JC - Michael's bestfriend


Let's start! #SaveWarrionNun

A brave girl...

I'm fine, Lilith.


The time stamp here is quite significant...

Also, i put a little something about my relationship with my gf here. You'll know more in the future chapters 😉 #SaveWarriorNun

Back to the GC! This will be the last chap for now cos I have work. Also, Lilith has her own priv account 😁 #SaveWarriorNun

[5] I forgot to put numbers to the thread fhkfkfk but hey it's better late than never

Here's an update for yall. Happy weekend! #SaveWarriorNun

[6] This is for you all who had to become a Lilith for someone at some point #SaveWarriorNun

[7] Get a room! #SaveWarriorNun

[8] "Movie" time except there is almost no watching involved. And it's not even the /good/ kind. 😮‍💨 #SaveWarriorNun

[9] A few minutes later... #SaveWarriorNun

[10] Last chapter update for now. Will try to continue later #SaveWarriorNun

[11] The morning after #SaveWarriorNun

[12] The breakfast pancakes #SaveWarriorNun

[13] support your favorite human #SaveWarriorNun

[14] Debate Competition Day! As I said before, timestamps are not important unless stated otherwise. #SaveWarriorNun

[15] Ava's private account 🤔 #SaveWarriorNun

[16] Where are you? #SaveWarriorNun

[17] I'm sorry... #SaveWarriorNun

[18] Ava won #SaveWarriorNun

[19] Last update for today. Thank you all for reading! -🌙 #SaveWarriorrNun

[20] Sick #SaveWarriorNun

[22] Camila got time #SaveWarriorNun

[23] Camila girl, get up. Get up! #SaveWarriorNun

[25] 🫡 #SaveWarriorNun

[26] fRiENdShiP gOAls #SaveWarriorNun

[29] ❤️ #SaveWarriorNun

[30] Acceptance and choices #SaveWarriorNun

[31] Last update for today! You all are still reading? Thank you! #SaveWarriorNun

[32] I lied!!!! I cant stop myself from writing im sorryyyyy #SaveWarriorNun

[33] Additional private twitter accounts. This time, Camila and Mary's #SaveWarriorNun

[34] the girls are fightingggg #SaveWarriorNun

[35] Flashback: Junior year. #SaveWarriorNun

There may or may not be additional updates later 😆

[36] Back to the present. This is after their dinner celebration for Bea and Yasmine. #SaveWarriorNun

[37] Someone's mad /mad/ #SaveWarriorNun

[38] I did this part this way because there's no way that this scene could be done using the text or dm format. I made the narration as short as I could so it wouldn't be too lengthy just in case some of yall dont like to read aus like this #SaveWarriorNun

[39] 10:00 #SaveWarriorNun

[40] God hates gays #SaveWarriorNun

[41] Ava calling Bea #SaveWarriorNun

[42] Font color black is Bea, the other one is Ava #SaveWarriorNun

[43] Pancakes? 🥺😭 #SaveWarriorNun

[45] Apologies that this is in a different format again. Y'all know i only do this if there's no other way. #SaveWarriorNun

[46] Thank you for the love for the last updates. ❣️ #SaveWarriorNun

[47] YOU ARE THE BEST** #SaveWarriorNun

[48] Hmm... #SaveWarriorNun

[49] two weeks later... #SaveWarriorNun

[50] the responsible one #SaveWarriorNun

[51] This is the night of Ava's bday party. Please just pretend that Bea's picture was taken at night 😆 #SaveWarriorNun

[52] Oh... #SaveWarriorNum

[53] Ava is not gay panicking obviously #SaveWarriorNun

[54] 😅 #SaveWarriorNun

[55] Both of them: a mess

This is the last update for today. Thank you #SaveWarriorNun

[56] Part 1 of Ava's birthday party. It's so hard to make this one as short as possible. You'll find out why once you read it 😬 #SaveWarriorNun

[57] Part 2 of Ava's birthday party. Let's see if there's going to be another update for today. I think I need to lie down a bit after finishing these two parts fjdkfdkdl #SaveWarriorNun

Let me know what you guys think:

[58] Not mad #SaveWarriorNun

[59] CHANEL???? #SaveWarriorNun

[60] Last update for now. I'm not feeling well but I will try to update later in the evening. Emphasis on try #SaveWarriorNun

[61] "This" #SaveWarriorNun

[63] oops #SaveWarriorNun

[64] Which pocket? #SaveWarriorNun

[65] Last update for today. Let me know what you think


[66] I was about to update a while ago but things happened and when I say things, it means I slept 😅 #SaveWarriorNun

[66] 5 likes #SaveWarriorNun

[67] When Bea finally agreed + a few days later #SaveWarriorNun

Last update for today, guys. Gotta go, I have work!

[69] Once again, I messed up the numbering of my last update. There may or may not be another update later 🤭 This is the family dinner/reunion #SaveWarriorNun

[71] Last update of the day 😬 this one was kind of hard to write fjdjfkd #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[72] It's been three days since The Fight #SaveWarriorNun

[73] Bea's tweet #SaveWarriorNun

[74] Meanwhile, Ava.... #SaveWarrionNun

[75] Last update for the day. Tomorrow, we'll be back to Avatrice interactions #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[76] The next night.... Someone's nervous #SaveWarriorNun

[78] Next update will be later. I gotta go back to work~ #SaveWarriorNun

[79] I will try to update again later. No promises tho. I'm kinda tireddddd 😆 #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[80] Someone is still not home #SaveWarriorNun

[81] I know #SaveWarriorNun

[82] I got a cameo omg 🤭 anyways! Thank you again for reading~ #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[83] The day after... #SaveWarriorNun

[84] Lil Jesus #SaveWarriorNun

[85] It's finally Saturday and you know what that means! #SaveWarriorNun

[86] Everyone gagged #SaveWarriorNun

[87] Bandeau #SaveWarriorNun

[88] Sexy AND smart #SaveWarriorNun

[89] it's a bestfriend thing #SaveWarriorNun

[90] Camila, an Avatrice supporter #SaveWarriorNun

[91] Last update for the day! Once again, thanks for reading~ #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[92] Same day as the "swimming lessons", later that night. #SaveWarriorNun

[93] A pair of portuguese........ #SaveWarriorNun

[95] The color yellow is Ava #SaveWarriorNun

[96] So.... That happened 😶‍🌫️ #SaveWarriorNun

That's the last update for the day~ thanks once again for reading!

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[97] Someone woke up in a good mood #SaveWarriorNun

[98] The replies... #SaveWarriorNun

[100] they're really beating her ass in the replies #SaveWarriorNun

[101] Last update for the day~ thank you again! Next update will be "The Talk" #SaveWarriorNun

And we've reached 100 parts! Omggg i dont even know how i did all that fjdjfkdla

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[102] Thank you for patiently waiting! I am planning to update later, I just have to work for now #SaveWarriorNun

[103] This isn't the end of the AU. I repeat, this is not the end of the AU 😁 #SaveWarriorNun

Will post updates later after a few hours.

Side note: I didn't proofread this

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[104] Hard launch! #SaveWarriorNun

[105] too pussy #SaveWarriorNun

[107] the inheritance money #SaveWarriorNun

[108] Bea was told #SaveWarriorNum

[109] Last update for today! Thank you for reading! #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[110] This is days after #SaveWarriorNun

[111] r u ready for it..? #SaveWarriorNun

[113] oops #SaveWarriorNun

[115] Last update for today! Thank you! #SaveWarrionNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[116] Next day... #SaveWarriorNun

[118] This is just a short update. Thank you for reading once again~ #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[119] This is a time jump. Ava and Beatrice are now college students.

LDR Problems: Exhibit A


[121] This is why overworking is bad, guys #SaveWarriorNun

[122] 😔 #SaveWarriorNun

[123] 🥲 #SaveWarriorNun

[124] Good morning, Beatrice #SaveWarriorNun

[127] Last update for this au today! Thanks!

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[128] #SaveWarriorNun LDR teaches people to.....

[130] The tulips #SaveWarriorNun

[131] Last update for this au today! Thank you for reading~ #SaveWarriorNun

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

[131] This is two weeks after. #SaveWarriorNun

[132] LDR Problems: Exhibit B - The Secrets




[136] Last update for today for this au. I wasn't able to update yesterday as promised. It was my birthday yesterday hehe. Anyways, that happened. I'm sorry and thank you.

If you have questions:

If you want to buy me coffee:

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