Moon | Avatrice AU 📌 Profile picture
Avatrice brainrot | my @ is a lie
Feb 19, 2023 104 tweets 50 min read
gravity - a #freenbecky #monsam au

Mon - an up-and-coming actress who finally got her big break and was set to star in a movie alongside Sam, one of the best actresses of this generation.

Sam - famous for her profession and infamous for her...escapades. (cont..) ImageImage (..cont) She'd chosen to live her life to the fullest before she had to do the inevitable; marrying the man that'd been chosen for her since she was 16.

They're getting along well at set and hung out outside work.

What could go wrong?

Well, it started with a one night stand.. Image
Jan 20, 2023 143 tweets 110 min read
i loved you first - #Avatrice AU

••°° Beatrice's a sophomore in highschool and a new transferee when she became friends with Ava. They were juniors when she realized she's in love with her. And they were seniors when Ava started dating Bea's childhood friend Michael °°•• ImageImageImageImage Beatrice and Ava's main and private accounts ImageImageImageImage