🍁Dr. Tim Goyetche ND🍁 Profile picture
Former WHO consultant on epigenetics. Courted by Merck and Procter & Gamble. 34 years of clinical experience. Spike Protein Killer, slaying at the source!

Jan 20, 2023, 6 tweets

1. The Release of the information for how I treat #myocarditis and #pericarditis with such success! In this thread, I will include each page and an explanation, but you can download the entire document at: goyetcheinstitute.com/myocarditis.pdf
@TracyBethHoeg @DrBMcDH @akheriaty @RWMaloneMD

2. A description of who I am and my accreditations. And for any natural health haters/trolls, everything I do is covered by all private health insurance companies in Canada! Thus, only comment if you think you know more than they do. 😘

Before the Exclamation of specific treatment, let me first explain the science! And this is the science for which I have practiced for the last 30 years, which is based on the principles of biphasic dose-response!

Understanding low-dose therapies and the biological and nutritional ways to implement this, including assuring optimization in the assimilation of inflammation-fighting nutrients. PS. I gave up trying to align the numbers on the bottom right graph. LOL

Yes, you can delete genetic mutations. I do it every day!

For those wondering how I get the actual jab out of your body, the formulation is identified in the 3rd paragraph of this page.

The tentative date of availability, what would be expected of you, and pricing is included on this final page.

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